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All my friends having been talking about how they're not virgins anymore and have been rubbing it in my face that I am (or was). This summer me and my boyfriend... which is now my EX... decided that we should have sex... so we did... but we didnt use a condom 2 out of 3 times of doing it. And now with my new boyfriend we havent used protection at all! I dont think I'm pregnant but the problem is that I'm only 14... do you think I'm too young for this?

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There's no real right age for sex. It's all mental. I don't believe you should of had sex because your friends were doing it. Plus half the girls around your age range (usually) just lie and say they have for popularity. You should do it when you feel your ready, I mean you can even stop now if you want to, if your boyfriends love you they'll understand. If you are going to have sex though I would strongly reccomend using protection, you can't always trust the guy on the withdrawel method. Anyhoo, hopefully I helped a little bit (I'm not too good at the advice thing yet )

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Just My Belief and an Opinion.


yea um that is a little young to be having sex, ESP. unprotected...Think worse case situation here babe:


say one time you have sex, And don't use a condom, You get pregnant, have a baby. NOW think what your friends will say..and your parents..Think about your Life before you start having Sexual thoughts that you follow threw with.. Your Boyfriend can wait..Hell if he is 14 himself should be thinking the same.


Gezzzz what is in the shampoo these days, Hormonal Enhancement Supplements?

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Just My Belief and an Opinion.


yea um that is a little young to be having sex, ESP. unprotected...Think worse case situation here babe:


say one time you have sex, And don't use a condom, You get pregnant, have a baby. NOW think what your friends will say..and your parents..Think about your Life before you start having Sexual thoughts that you follow threw with.. Your Boyfriend can wait..Hell if he is 14 himself should be thinking the same.


Gezzzz what is in the shampoo these days, Hormonal Enhancement Supplements?


haha I get what you're sayin but should i stop?

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i fee the same way sometimes you just want to get it done in over with but than one of my friends did get preg. she was 15, now im 15 and i could not imagin having a baby im not even old enough to get a job niether r u so think of all the risks, my sister and all of my friends have had sex and yes i know what you went through cause im still goin through it any time that subjuct comes around they put in my face but i found a way to deal with it, so if you do have sex use a condom please dont go through what my friend had to and still has to, if you need to talk or anything you canpm me any time!

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It is not too late to be a born again virgin. Honestly,

I would start over if I was you. Being 14, you are just getting into high school,..aren't you?? Then you said you wanted to wait til you were older. Well that makes it so obvious.. wait!!!! please do. 14 is too young to get pregnant, or to get a sexually transmitted disease!! you dont want to be in your 20's regretting doing that when you were so young. you can stop now.. and just wait until it is really special and you dont doubt being ready. and wait until you are truly in love.. trust me that makes sex a totally different thing and so much better emotionally and physically. you dont want to have a bunch of partners. and i am sorry to sound so negative, but i am sure the boyfriend you have now is not your last boyfriend. so just let your boyfriend know you are both too young.. and if he doesnt stay around.. that just shows you that he is definitely not someone you should want to be with anyhow!!!

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What da heck do u think ur doing?!?!............not to be mean or anything but ur still young!.....but if u really wanted to do it because of a good reason then i think its ok, but still wrong. If u did it because evryone has been doing it, well u have a bad reason. This just proves that you follow every1, why dont u try listening to urself next time and be sure ur ready if u'll do it next time. ok?........well good luck in life!.....i hope this helps u!

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for the love of god just start taking birth control pills or get the depo provera shot. Check out link removed

Sex is awesome and you both are going to keep doing it, so rule out the possibility of pregnancy the best you can. Condoms are good but chemical birth control is even better. You may be young, but if you both care about each other then it's ok. Be careful

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