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Everything posted by pyrochick52789

  1. My BESTFRIEND is single and is always trying get a guy but she doesnt understand why guys dont like her. I mean I can name millions of reasons... She come off as too tough, too bitchy, and she smells lol... When I met my boyfriend, Mat neither me or him were single at the time, so niki (my bestfriend) kept asking him if he would have sex with her... ok well now me and mat are going out and I don't like how she still does that. and when she feels left out mat puts his arm around her or hugs her... and she hits him on purpose so she can kiss it better and he promises me he wouldnt leave me for her or any other girl... so? what do i do? or anyone got some advice cause i sure could use it!... Thanks
  2. I think you should try something new because since your relationship with the last girl didn't work out then why should it work the second time around? So go for the new girl cause it MIGHT work...
  3. Ever since I had sex with my boyfriend I just cant seem to stop having it... and i havent used protection with him yet! I'm only 14... I'm totally addicted to sex... you probably think I'm a sk@nk but I'm really not... anyone have any advice?
  4. she gets mad when me and him kiss an dhang all over eachother and sutff
  5. thanks... i'm getting some ideas on how to help my friend with her guy problems... i've talked to her about her wanted my boyfriend and stuff but she just denys liking him even tho me and him both know shes totally into him!
  6. Whenever my best friend is over shes always saying how she wants a guy so bad and always asks me how to hook her up with one of my guy friends or sumthing but they just dont seem to like her. she comes accross too tough and b|tchy and guys dont find her attractive at all! I mean she is a little on the heavy side but still... and then she yells at me for trying to help her... She also has the biggest crush on my boyfriend and always calls him and I'm afraid I'm going to loose him. Whenever I'm on the phone with him she always makes me 3way her and all she does is flirt with him! ughh this prob dont make any sense but oh well... anyone have any adice on what I should do about her?
  7. Thanks... my boyfriend is coming over tomorrow and I dont know what to do... our relationship was soo good but then we did it for the first time (for us together) and now it seems all we want is sex
  8. you're doin pretty good (so i think)... The thing is I wasnt doing it just because everyone else was... I was ready to do it. It's just now I can't stop I'm like addicted to it! lol I had sex before I ever made out with someone... weird i know...
  9. I dont know what i'm thinking! I wanted to wait till i'm older to do it but then since everyone has been doing it... well not EVERYONE but you get the point... i didnt think it was so wrong but ughhh nvm... sorry just so angry with everything right now
  10. All my friends having been talking about how they're not virgins anymore and have been rubbing it in my face that I am (or was). This summer me and my boyfriend... which is now my EX... decided that we should have sex... so we did... but we didnt use a condom 2 out of 3 times of doing it. And now with my new boyfriend we havent used protection at all! I dont think I'm pregnant but the problem is that I'm only 14... do you think I'm too young for this?
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