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He stopped in the middle of sex


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I met this guy at a club and we had a one nighter. he's been texting me for the last few weeks and i finally hung out w/him yesterday at his place. so we started having sex. and maybe 5 minutes into it, he stops and says it's too hot. and thats it. he didn't wanna do it again after he stopped. so we just chit chatted for a bit then i wanted to leave so he walked me to my car n gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. so, whats up w/this guy? i've never known any guy to be able to just stop in the middle of sex like that and not wanna finish. weird stuff. comments anyone???

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Ok. You said it was a one-nighter o you didn't know him very well. I hate to put this in as a possibility, but is it possible he has some sort of std such as hiv, and didnt want to ejaculate as not to increase the risk of passing it onto you?

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Maybe he had some sort of guilt going through his mind...


Are you sure he isn't married or has a gf?


I would 2nd this.....either that..or the guy is just **** nuts. I myself...would not just stop in the middle of sex and say "It's too hot." Umm....don't you build up body heat when you are having sex anyways?? I'm sure lots of ppl have sex in the summer....

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I am new here and am just getting to know the forums, but... I know that some guys can put physical pain above physical pleasure. Not saying that sex with you was painful...but here is my example. I produce a more than average amount of body heat. So when my gf and Iget into it, i cannot get too hot or I will start getting sick. Not saying that it was bad for him, but maybe somthing like that arose, i know that there has been at least once i had to stop in the middle because i started getting too hot.


Point 2. You say it was a 1 nighter, meaning that he didn't know you all that well, while most guys wouldn't let that affect them, maybe he had a more than average concience adn felt guilty about not gettign to know you more before getting all intimate. This could also be the reason he hasn't gotten in touch with you since then, maybe embarrassment from stopping mid-run. I know that personally, it would kind of embarrass me if i did it. So the best thing for you to do is give it a day more or two and if he doesn't call back, get in touch with him and see what's up.....


Just my opinion on the whole thing.

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to clarify, we had sex once before, which was supposed to be a one nighter, but he ended up keeping in contact w/me. so the 2nd time we did it is when he just stopped. yes i used a condom. um, i asked him if he was single n he said yes, but who knows right? i ran into him at the club last night and i think we chatted for a bit, unfortunately i was extra super drunk, and i don't remember much. well, i'm just going to assume that i won't be hearing from him anymore. on to the next guy! but i still can't get over the fact that he just stopped. very very strange...

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I would suggest he is "not that into you", or has a gf/wife or whatever, is guilty, or..I guess there IS a chance that maybe he had had sex or masturbated quite recently...I don't know...but this latter seems unlikely to me given his comments and the abruptness.


But, I mean, I would never stop and just say "it's too hot"....sex is supposed to be hot If he was that hot, he could of said "let's move this to the shower!"...


Whatever the case is...I don't think he is on the same wavelength as you though really.

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