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Second Chance Offer

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Hey all. Well as my last post was about a girl who I met while very drunk and I left some stuff at her place after going to the toilet and not being able to find my way back to her room. Well anyway, I called her last night to apologise, and ask if I could get my stuff back. So today I went around and got my things from her room. She did not seem to be to angry, so I asked her if she wanted to grab a coffee. She said yes, so we went and got a coffee. We sat and talked for about and hour and I drove her back to her place.


Well we did talk about the fact that I went to the toilet and never came back. I explained what happened, but she said she felt embarrassed that I must have thought she was so repulsive that I would leave without my things including my shoes.


Anyway getting to the point of this story, the fact that she come and got a coffee, and that she even washed my singlet, do you think that she may be giving me a second chance? If I was to ask her out, how would you suggest I approach it?

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Haha, excellent advise DN! Yeah, I think she's worth the shot, seems like she wasn't angry and I think you did the right thing. Wait a day or two, call her to she how she's doing, tell her what DN told you and invite her for dinner. Or the other way around and tell her the above phrase over candlelights lol



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If you decide you want to try to have something with her, and you call, just ask her out, don't ask what she wants. You can ask her to coffee, drinks, dinner, a walk, shoot pool, anything, but be the man, take cahrge and ask.


After a second or third date, tell her if she wants to see you again, she has to ask. I've had women baulk at that, but never not do it.

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