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Virginity **************

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ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 22, and I don't regret my wait at all! it's been a hard road, but it's a decision I made at a young age and I look back at all the failed relationships and how crappy I would have felt if I would have given away a part of me by having sex with them. *sigh* I'm saving myself for my husband. i'm a proud virgin!!!!!!!! hehehehe

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i am 21 and i am a virgin. a large part of it is to do with cultural reasons. a girl in the indian society who loses her virginity before marriage is considered a great sin. thereforeeee we have to be virgins and save ourselves for marriage - only then is it considered acceptable

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Just out of curiosity, how much does religion play a part of this for you two?


I read something recently which, suggested that women who wait for marriage to have sex tend to marry at a significantly younger age than the general population. Often leading to divorce.


Personally, I couldn't do it. But I have no religion to stop me. I haven't regretted any of my sexual encounters yet. Not all were pleasant but they all allowed me to learn.


Anyway, best of luck to you all.

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ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 22, and I don't regret my wait at all! it's been a hard road, but it's a decision I made at a young age and I look back at all the failed relationships and how crappy I would have felt if I would have given away a part of me by having sex with them. *sigh* I'm saving myself for my husband. i'm a proud virgin!!!!!!!! hehehehe


Yvette, congrats on your decision!


You won't regret it, and God will reward you for it!


"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23

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religion plays a huge part in me being a virgin. it is considered a great sin to lose your virginity before you are married in my culture -especially for a girl. a stigma is attached to her and she is basically tainted for life. not only her but her entire family is ridiculed by the society. its pretty messed up to be honest.


even if religion didnt influence my decision i would still remain a virgin til i was good and ready and not do it just because everyone else is

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I'm almost 21 (less than 2 weeks! ) and I'm a virgin. Yay! I am a very strict virgin and do not even do anything really sexual. I don't masturbate (anymore...I did when I was 18 for like a little while), do oral sex, no being fingered or handjobs, etc. The farthest I feel comfortable going is kissing and cuddling. Make outs are usually innocent with lots of kissing.


I'm waiting until marriage. I made that promise back when I was younger that I will wait. I'm pretty determined and have lasted this far. I never saw a point to it outside of marriage personally. Anyway...I think it is nice to stay a virgin. I think it shows a lot of patience and will power.

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Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm proud of ya'll.


My reason for staying a virgin till marriage is because I am a God-fearing person. No, I don't go to church. I just believe in God and what He has to tell us. It is a sin to have sex outside of marriage. Sex is meant for marriage.


Sure, it's been kinda hard waiting... but it will be worth it. I'm so glad I've been waiting though because I also look back on the past relationships I've been in and I would have felt downright horrible for giving myself away to such a jerk. My future husband is the only one I will give myself too... even though my boyfriend now is most likely going to be that future husband (we talk about marriage all the time). And even though deep down inside our hearts we know we were made for each other, sex outside of marriage will not happen.


Keep up the good work!!!!!!! Virginity rules. ;-)

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Yup, it sure is messed up. Some countries have it worst, esp. those in the middle east where the girl has to wait to get marry else they killed her or the sheet was to be with blood on the wedding, now that's more messed up.


yeah it is horrible. i know that sex before marriage is a big taboo in some cultures but to go to the extent of killing someone because of it is a bit drastic. honour killings are just plain f-ed up. nothing can justify it.


despite being indian and having that drilled into me to save myself for marriage and family honour and stuff...i am very open minded. although i have been in a situation where i did almost lose my virginity, a fear held me back. when i wasnt supposed to date or anything and my parents found out..my mum said i was lucky that i didnt lose my virginity otherwise she would have thrown me out the house

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Just out of curiosity, how much does religion play a part of this for you two?


I read something recently which, suggested that women who wait for marriage to have sex tend to marry at a significantly younger age than the general population. Often leading to divorce.


Personally, I couldn't do it. But I have no religion to stop me. I haven't regretted any of my sexual encounters yet. Not all were pleasant but they all allowed me to learn.


Anyway, best of luck to you all.

Because I didn't see this before...religion plays a HUGE part of my life. I think the problem with that article is not the virginity...but teh age at which the people married. Marrying at a young age is hard. It can be successful, but it is hard.


I see myself maybe getting married when I am 25 and out of college. My current BF of almost a year (yay!) would want to probably wait until he is out of law school so who knows when that is.


Yup, it sure is messed up. Some countries have it worst, esp. those in the middle east where the girl has to wait to get marry else they killed her or the sheet was to be with blood on the wedding, now that's more messed up.

I guess they would kill me then! Hahaha...I already accidently busted my hymen the other day when I tried to take out my diva cup. I don't think I will bleed on my wedding night due to my hymen breaking. LMAO!

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OK, back on topic or I start ranting again.


sorry nottoogreen lol. well i am glad to remain a virgin..religion or no religion. it shows that i have will power and that i am saving myself for someone who i will spend the rest of my life with.


is that better?

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I see myself maybe getting married when I am 25 and out of college. My current BF of almost a year (yay!) would want to probably wait until he is out of law school so who knows when that is.

I'm waiting till after college to get married too. My boyfriend and I always kid around saying we should get married now and go to Las Vegas or something. LOL. But we're waiting till after college (2 years)... Need to get the degree first. ONE BIG THING AT A TIME.

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I may be the only one here, but I don't ever intend to get married. I'd be happy to have a defacto relationship. I do want someone who I can spend the rest of my life with but the whole wedding thing is not for me. If it was important to my significant other, I would consider it.


As for sex itself, to me it's just something fun and it feels wonderful. I don't have the same emotional attachments as so many people seem to have. As long as it's clean, safe and consensual, then I have no problem with it.


I was one of the first in my peer group to lose my virginity, so I definitely wasn't doing it to fit in. I have someone who I have sex with regularly (not in a relationship). It allows me to feel good without strings attached. I love sex and I'm not afraid to admit it.


I must seem evil to all of you lol. Oh well, I'm happy.

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I may be the only one here, but I don't ever intend to get married. I'd be happy to have a defacto relationship. I do want someone who I can spend the rest of my life with but the whole wedding thing is not for me. If it was important to my significant other, I would consider it.




I must seem evil to all of you lol. Oh well, I'm happy.

LoL trust me... the whole wedding thing is not my thing either. I could care less about it. But that's not a reason for me to not get married.

My s.o. wants a nice wedding. I was like, "Fine. But I'm not planning it." Hahaha.


So you're happy huh? Your screename says otherwise. ;-)

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So you're happy huh? Your screename says otherwise. ;-)


The screen name comes from when I was going through a break up. It was pretty bad and I was with him for 3 years. Strangely enough, I thought I was going to marry him. Amazing how an experience like that can change your views on things.


I guess I could get a new name but I'm too lazy for that.


Now, I'm over the ex and I couldn't be happier.

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LoL trust me... the whole wedding thing is not my thing either. I could care less about it. But that's not a reason for me to not get married.

My s.o. wants a nice wedding. I was like, "Fine. But I'm not planning it." Hahaha.


So you're happy huh? Your screename says otherwise. ;-)

Yeah the username got me. But I had a name change a long while ago because my username was depressing (always_alone). People come here when they are upset...so I think it is typical to see these names.


Also you don't want to plan your wedding? I think it would be fun working with my BF to plan it. Oh what fun and frustration! But seriously...would you trust him to plan it? I don't think I would trust my BF to plan it alone. I can see it now...nothing gets done because he loves to procrastinate.

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Also you don't want to plan your wedding? I think it would be fun working with my BF to plan it. Oh what fun and frustration! But seriously...would you trust him to plan it? I don't think I would trust my BF to plan it alone. I can see it now...nothing gets done because he loves to procrastinate.

Yeah. I was never like other young girls... dreaming about their huge wedding someday with flowers everywhere. All I want is a nice dress (cuz I rarely wear dresses). And I want our circle of friends there and my parents. HE has a huge family though. He wants a nice wedding. I want a really really small one. But since he wants a big one, HE can plan it cuz I sure don't want to go through all that HaHa. I can trust him to plan it. Even if he makes it something like a Lord of the Rings theme, I would find that hilarious. LOL.

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