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Spugly is our #1 romantic. He follows Tao, Being in Asia for a long time, I am more into broad Buddhist philosophy.



Giulty as charged, and as such I see the world throw eyes that others my not, but thats me.


I do follow the way


and am more than happy that I met you on it Nottoogren as some may here you have much to teach this old romantic.


See Soundcell, always leaning always trying

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You sound like you're going through a GREAT deal of pain..


What I always thought was, "If God loved his children so much, why would he allow such horrendous things to happen to them, and don't give me this B.S. about What hurts you most will only make you stronger." What about people who get into messed up situations such as those who are victims of drunk driving, and have severly disfigured faces??


Anyway, I've been through a lot myself. I used to believe in God, but not in a Christian/Catholic way..more spiritual..If I were you, realize that things in life happen. Some of us have it worse than others. The only thing you can do is to pull yourself up. If you need a helping hand, you have people like us to talk to. PM me if you'd like. Take care..

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so if these issues are never fixed i will be forever alone? that is my greatest fear. and i've never had much self confidence. these sound impossible for me to do. plus i've always been depressed, i don't think it's gonna change

and i think you already covered how to manage myself, what do you mean by balance?


I think what we are all saying is larn to be with yourself,

sounds odd I know but at the moment you would like to leve the room

some how and yourself behind. Thats the self hate somming out and

that self hate somes for others who have said your are bad.


All we are saying is you are not bad, you are just you good and bad but still just you as are we all.


You have to larn to be happy with being with your self.


we have showen you ways, now its up to you.

Its the next step in your life I can see that.


You needed to be here and now to face this, its the only way you will let go of the past and the evil done to you there. What as been started here now can never be undone its to late, you are all ready on a road that can to take you out of your pian one way or another best you can do now it just keep on walking.


You are looking to fare ahead down that road at the moment, you futuer is not set, fear of being alone for the rest of your life is only that fear, until your on your death bed in old age you will never know if thats will be your fate.




you have work to do now that will stop that, that work is geting to know just who you are where you came from and why you feel the way you do, Nosoogreen has shown you some grate tools for that, and I have I hoped showed you how you can use them and still hold your head up and know what you are doing will make you a better man.


A man a good woman will one day look at and say


"You will do for me my lad"


It will happon I know it, and we have never met but coming here and asking what you have then showing no fear of the ancers, that shows me that in you is a good man.


Most of use here are broken in some way or another but when we help others we help our selfs, always remember that.


now the nest step.

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I read through most of the thread, so there's a small chance you've mentioned what I'm going to ask but that I skipped it by accident. Firstly, I know how you feel, I haven't gone through a lot of the things you have, but I've been in situations in my life where I feel pretty similar. Unfortunately also there's nothing I can think of to say that hasn't already been said by others.


Anyway, I wanted to say, I'm surprised you're still religious, or at least, are still Christian if you despise God (and the other feelings you expressed to Him in the original post) so much. What makes you still believe in him?


For me, feeling similarly towards God was one of the larger reasons I chose to become non-Christian (Athiest, to be specific), years ago.


Note to mods/admin: If you feel this may be considered by people as promoting non-christianity, or even slightly offensive, or trolling, or so forth, feel free to get rid of it, but it wasn't my intention.

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so if these issues are never fixed i will be forever alone? that is my greatest fear. and i've never had much self confidence. these sound impossible for me to do. plus i've always been depressed, i don't think it's gonna change

and i think you already covered how to manage myself, what do you mean by balance?

By balance he means (I think) There is love and hate in everyone. Balance is the key for a happy life. You are letting the hate in your life far out weigh the love.


There is good and bad in us all too, however, you have allowed the bad side of you to show and not enough of the good. Other have picked up on your negative vibes!


When you have learned to love and be good to yourself then the love you have inside of you will be able to love others.

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There is good and bad in us all too, however, you have allowed the bad side of you to show and not enough of the good. Other have picked up on your negative vibes!


When you have learned to love and be good to yourself then the love you have inside of you will be able to love others.

but girls don't like nice guys, i know. nice guys finish last no matter what anyone says. girls may say they like nice guys...but they don't. i have tried being the nice guy, i'm sick of it. but by bad did you just mean pessimistic and a grumpy old man attitude?


and i have been in love once. i didn't love myself then and i was depressed. being with someone though makes me forget all of that and i feel much more at ease with the world and myself. the world seems much less lonely and bleak when you have someone.

but at the same time, the beautiful moments with my ex have haunted me. i don't dwell on her much now. i know it's not good to dwell on the past but it is a bad habit of mine. and those good moments are now evil.


and i don't know the future, but i would rather kill myself now if i end up my whole life alone. i think of suicide every day and have since i was a teenager. i talked to a coworker today and she understood much of what i had to say. she is going to give me some seratonin producing vitamins (H something, don't remember) she said they're over the counter and help. i don't know, she has depression too


nottoogreen - when you said not to blame others, did you mean God?

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I also was in love only once, with my first love whom I spent 9 years of my life with. She went manic depressive following rape by an uncle at age 9 and further child abuse and being unable to have children.


Lot's of people had it worse than you buddy.


I also was depressed thereafter for a long time. Thus, I know a thing or two about depression. More on depression: Prolonged depression and AD, unmeetable expectations


A am an agnostic and I like to avoid religious arguments on this site as those are unresolvable and are not related to helping people.


You need change, not blame anyone or anything, not pills. Don't worry about girls, please resolve your issues.


I've seen and experienced and see it everyday how hard it is for people to change. You are intelligent, if you want you can do it. It's your future.

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your mixeing up good guy with push overs, if you are yourself then you will not be a push over, you will have to negotiate between yourselfs what you wont.


Give hiving in is not in fact beeing a good guy in the long run your doing the relationship a disservice.


remember Strong thats what part of it means, strong willed but not selffish.

It means giving in willingly but on your turms.


Hope that helps.


Dont believe the treat them mean keep them keen aproch.

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