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Always talking to guys that are in denial or promiscous..

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I don't know but I've noticed that most of the guys I talk to on the internet end up being Bi & they just want sex. Now I'm just chatting with random people off the net & it's just so many people in denial & their views are so ignorant personally to me.I was talking to one guy & he has a girlfriend, yet he messes around with other men. He claims that it's not cheating as long as it's not with the same sex! That's absolutely ridiculous & what's sad is, alot of them feel this way! I seriously feel sorry for their partners who knows nothing about what they're doing.


There's not anyone that want relationships or even friendships. It seems like most of the men I've come into contact with just wants one night stands & sex which is sad. There's too many sexually transmitted diseases going around for all of that. It's frustrating to me because when I think I've made a friend, they turn around & they play the sex card on me lol. I was chatting with a guy on an instant messanger last night. He seemed cool but the topic quickly changed to sex, asking if I had a webcam & asking me all of these sexually personal questions. I was so mad & turned off... I just ignored him.


I don't know but maybe I'm going to the wrong places. It's discouraging, because I would at least like to make friends with people of my kind but it doesn't seem like anyone wants that.That really goes for the straight people as well. I would like to make friendships with other gay or bi men & maybe a relationship can blossom but it's hard to find that.


Ok this is sorta off topic but I thought I share it anyway. It's so annoying how most of the men talk about females & stuff, straight men. Like at my job, they refer to all of the women as b*tches,h*es & that is so degrading. Most of the guys talk about who they did last night or whatever & it's just disgusting. I just have to sit back & shake my head by how ignorant most of them sound..


Maybe I'm an old fashioned guy, but we really live in a world that's all about sex these days. Is it possible to find someone with some self respect & some class about themselves??

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Don't forget most guys , especially the younger ones will embelish stealing a kiss from a girl to a wild night of sex. Don't believe everything you hear as the truth.




"Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see."- Ben Franklin.

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Watch out for those downlow brothers. Some of them are spreading HIV to their girlfriends,wifes, and male lovers.


Welcome to the real world! I think that there are hardly any good role models for young men anymore. They think that life is just about sex. They are not interested in developing a loving and meaningful relationship. The sad thing is, I don't think that they would even know how to have a good relationship.


People have no class today. They see nothing wrong with being dishonest to people, and their "homeboys" reward them for being the best player/dog.

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For every genuine guy on the net there's 10 more looking out for a quickie. It seems to be the way the gay online dating/friendship sites operate. I can be having a chat with a guy trying to learn a bit about him but the direction of the conversation can quickly change to sex which is the time when I leave.


Even those that don't instantly put me off can turn bad. I've spent two weeks talking to several guys developing what I thought was a decent friendship. We've exchanged pics, I was expecting a face shot but was instead treated to pics of them in the nuddy. What's worse is they then say "Well what do you think?"..............what the hell are you supposed to say?.


I've been told I'm a gentleman, I believe in developing relationships first, if there's a connection then things can go further. I still believe in dating someone for a while first but I'm definitely in the minority there too.


Don't give up all hope though, I met and had a relationship for six years with a man I met online. I've managed to strike up two half decent friendships with men I've spoken to online which might even become real life friendships if we decide to have face to face contact.

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"He claims that it's not cheating as long as it's not with the same sex! That's absolutely ridiculous & what's sad is, alot of them feel this way! I seriously feel sorry for their partners who knows nothing about what they're doing."


I hate that...alot of my female bi friends are like that too. Gives the rest of us a bad name. Maybe you should join a club or go to a gblt event to meet some people irl. The internet tends to be full of people who are looking for sex.

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Even those that don't instantly put me off can turn bad. I've spent two weeks talking to several guys developing what I thought was a decent friendship. We've exchanged pics, I was expecting a face shot but was instead treated to pics of them in the nuddy. What's worse is they then say "Well what do you think?"..............what the hell are you supposed to say?.


Falling over laughing!!!


Oh my! That is funny!

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Falling over laughing!!!


Oh my! That is funny!


LOL it's true!! It's happened to me too. It's like seriously people don't have enough respect for themselves to actually show a face pic. One guy actually put a pic of his butt on his yahoo im avatar & it's sad...

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It is so scary out there! All I can tell you is to be selective and keep searching for the nicer fellows. That is what I am doing.


I refuse to deal with someone who is downlow...That is horrible!


I wish they would set up a gay dating site for people who aren't interested solely in hooking up!

Plus, I dealt with the "In denial" guy and got my heart broke but good...So I am a bit put off on pursuing a relationship at the moment.


So you are definitely not alone.

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I would definitely see if there were any local gay clubs you could join. When I met the love of my life, I met him on planet out and I knew by reading his profile that he wasn't just into sex. As far as chat rooms go, I wouldn't get my hopes up. I've noticed a difference in the caliber of men that post personals and the ones who post personals and also chat online. One on one chatting is cool, but in chat rooms you are more likely to meet men with one track minds or teenagers who aren't legal.

I'm sure you'll meet some cool people in college and in your college town. In the meantime, just don't get too attached to anyone and understand that the guys you want are in the minority, but that it will be more satisfying when you finally do find someone with similar interests.

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I'm sure you'll meet some cool people in college and in your college town. In the meantime, just don't get too attached to anyone and understand that the guys you want are in the minority, but that it will be more satisfying when you finally do find someone with similar interests.


COLLEGE!! That's seriously the key I'm aiming for right now. I've postponed college for a year & a half now! I'm trying to think of a gay friendly college to go to in Georgia in the winter. I think if I can go to a school where I can be open about my sexuality, I think I will have more of a chance of finding other gay friends or finding a possible mate. Though that's not the only reason I'm going to college lol, I know it sounds that way. I really feel like college would be a good start for me. Right now I'm trying to get myself together, trying to figure out what exactly I want to study in & where do I want to go exactly. It seems like my minds changes every week about these decisions..

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Yes, go to college with your primary goal being academics. Relationships will come, but you need the education first and foremost.


Oh believe me I know Foxlocke My main problem right now is focusing on all of the wrong things when I really need to be focusing on my future!

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