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My husband's cheating on me and i found out all he said about me

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Well you do have a choice here. You're young and still healthy, no physical abuse...(right)? You and your son need to get away from him. Your mom is there to help you, not bring you down. Let her be there for you.

No he's never physically abused me

But everytime i go back to my mom's house he's always begging me to go back and promising me he'll change. But he never does anyway.

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If after all this you still don't want to be away from him, then I'm not really sure what you're expecting other posters to be able to do for you.. You either have to be with him and deal with his crap, or leave him and scrape some self esteem out of the gutter. If you stay with him, you'll be miserable. What difference does it make who your husband loves?! Let the other girl have him! If she's stupid enough to go for him, then she deserves the consequences. That goes for you, too.

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Think of it this way:


If you knew in your heart that he would never be faithful to you, that he would always lie to you and cheat on you, would you stay with him?


What holds you there now?


You seem to be looking for things that show he loves you to justify all the things he does that prove that he doesn't. Do you honestly think that someone who sleeps with other women and lies about it to his wife, the mother of his infant son, loves her?


If it were someone else, your sister, your best friend, and her husband was cheating on her, what advice would you give her?

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Think of it this way:


If you knew in your heart that he would never be faithful to you, that he would always lie to you and cheat on you, would you stay with him?


What holds you there now?


You seem to be looking for things that show he loves you to justify all the things he does that prove that he doesn't. Do you honestly think that someone who sleeps with other women and lies about it to his wife, the mother of his infant son, loves her?


If it were someone else, your sister, your best friend, and her husband was cheating on her, what advice would you give her?

I would tell that person to leave him of course, but sometimes I decide to wait and see if he'll change someday

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If after all this you still don't want to be away from him, then I'm not really sure what you're expecting other posters to be able to do for you.. You either have to be with him and deal with his crap, or leave him and scrape some self esteem out of the gutter. If you stay with him, you'll be miserable. What difference does it make who your husband loves?! Let the other girl have him! If she's stupid enough to go for him, then she deserves the consequences. That goes for you, too.

That girl is soo imature as him, she knows i am married to him and we have a son together, and she still planns to stay with him. I noticed they've been together for about 8 months and I dont know if he really loves "her"not me. But also by what she told me she also sounds like she's his victim, she told me she's only 15 and she's a virgin (like i said my husband is crazy over being her first one) and he's telling her all kinds of lies or telling her he'll leave me and stuff like that, he's making her fall in love with him.

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Just because his other relationships weren't as long doesn't mean anything to him. He's married to you; he can keep you around...so he thinks. As long as you're there, he'll never be alone, craves the attention.

It really makes me think of when I used to see those girls on Maury with the controlling husbands and then the woman came out in a wheelchair because her husband eventually became physically abusive and now she can't walk. Don't let it get that far.

He's got you pretty low right now and it seems like you're afraid to leave him for whatever reason. The hardest move is the first one.

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This man does not love you and I doubt he's in love with a 15 year old ethier. Just the fact that he is going after a child when he is an adult should give you a clue that this guy is a seriously disturbed slimeball. Is there any way you could speak to that girl's parents? I bet they would really want to know what kind of person their daughter is getting involved with.


Get away from that man. He is human garbage. He has no respect for you, his child, or himself. It would be the best thing you could ever do for your son. He is not the kind of person you want your son to emulate.

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I would tell that person to leave him of course, but sometimes I decide to wait and see if he'll change someday


How does it feel, right now, to know that your husband sleeps with other women and cheats on you constantly? Does that indicate to you that he cares? That he loves you, that he respects you marriage?


Knowing this, every day that you stay with him, you give another small piece of your self respect, your dignity, your strength, and your worth away.


Why do you let this man strip you of those qualities?


You are also teaching your son that it's OK to cheat, that he won't have to be faithful to women, that the mother of his child doesn't have to be valued and respected.


Honey, you are WORTHY of being faithful to. You are VALUABLE, you deserve a man who is elated to have you as his one and only.


Do you believe that?

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How does it feel, right now, to know that your husband sleeps with other women and cheats on you constantly? Does that indicate to you that he cares? That he loves you, that he respects you marriage?


Knowing this, every day that you stay with him, you give another small piece of your self respect, your dignity, your strength, and your worth away.


Why do you let this man strip you of those qualities?


You are also teaching your son that it's OK to cheat, that he won't have to be faithful to women, that the mother of his child doesn't have to be valued and respected.


Honey, you are WORTHY of being faithful to. You are VALUABLE, you deserve a man who is elated to have you as his one and only.


Do you believe that?

thanks alot for your words that really give me the courage to think and view things from another point of view. THANK YOU ALL. I guess i really deserve a better man and I also want my son to grow up safe and defenetly NOT like his dad. I guess all of you all are right. But as soon as i leave he's going to go back and beg me to go back.

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thanks alot for your words that really give me the courage to think and view things from another point of view. THANK YOU ALL. I guess i really deserve a better man and I also want my son to grow up safe and defenetly NOT like his dad. I guess all of you all are right. But as soon as i leave he's going to go back and beg me to go back.


He can beg and beg,


But his ACTIONS show you that he is just full of words. He has begged you before, and nothing has changed. That's what you need to focus on- his ACTIONS. They are where his real intention lies. He has no intention of being faithful and VALUING you as a wife and your marriage as a sacred union. He is not TREATING you with respect.


Think about how easy the words "Please come back I am sorry I won't do it again", are to say. Now think about how hard they are to follow up on by actually STOPPING the cheating and the lying. He's full of words, but no ACTION.


Do you really need to see more?

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  • 1 year later...
That girl is soo imature as him,

She is 15 years old!!! Cut her some slack...lol

she knows i am married to him and we have a son together, and she still planns to stay with him. I noticed they've been together for about 8 months and I dont know if he really loves "her"not me.

8 months...and "you don't know?" ...Say what again?

But also by what she told me she also sounds like she's his victim, she told me she's only 15 and she's a virgin (like i said my husband is crazy over being her first one) and he's telling her all kinds of lies or telling her he'll leave me and stuff like that, he's making her fall in love with him.

Yes...she is an underage victim.

and i as i already said he has cheated on me ALOT but his relationships with the other girls were not as long as this one

WHY the bleeding hell are you STILL with him?


Grab yourself a handful of SELF RESPECT and get rid of the slime.


Sometimes Mom's are RIGHT....and she is there to help you...but you have to help YOURSELF first.

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Brianna sorry to hear about your situation, but its very clear your husband is not the type of person you want your child to be around. And when he starts to make these pathetic phone calls with him kneeling and begging, you have to ask yourself, how many times have you witnessed or heard him plead for your return? It goes to show he abuses your trust by committing a foul and automatically assumes that his begging will just bring you back easily with his lovey-dovey words.


Well....take refuge in your mother's care, she truly loves you, stand up for your yourself, be firm by saying NO!!! Its time to move on and find a better man!!!

Good Luck Brianna.

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