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Why can't I STOP!!!!

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I keep sending my ex text messages and e-mails.. She doesn't respond at all.. How can you pour your heart out to a person who claims that they still love you and not even get a simple response..


After I send the messages, and get no response I end up feeling worse .. I haven't talked to my daughter in 2 weeks. It is driving me crazy.. I know I sound stupid but I haven't called because I can't deal with talking with her mom(my ex) right now..


I know I need to stop texting her but its so hard. I miss my kids and I miss her.


How do we go from talking marriage, more kids etc... To nothing at all.. Wen I get the urge to send the e-mails or text my better judgement tells me not too, but I guess my heart takes over and I end up doing it.. I guess its that I don't want her to think I don't care anymore..


Any similar stories, and how have you dealt with it???

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I can understand that your upset but you have to gather enough strength right now to be there for your daughter because you mention that you havent had contact with her for 2 weeks and right now it is vital that you show her that no matter what your not leaving her and that your relationship with her will never be affected by your realtionship with her mom and if her mom makes it difficult then take it to court because you have the same rights she does because in the end it is the inocent children that have to pay.

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I'm pretty sure my daughter has asked for "daddy" but if I know her like I think I do its a control thing with her... She has my daughter and so if I want to talk too her I have to call..


I wish my baby was old enough to call me on her own..


I want to call I'm just scared of what I might hear when I call.. I am so emotionally damaged right now, I couldn't take a guy answering her phone, or knowing she's with my kid around a guy..

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I've sent at least 5 long e-mails and countless texts.. She is playing the game right now and she is winning.. She has all the chips.. She has herself which I love dearly, my heart which I can't take back right now, and my daughter who I would literally die for!!


What am I supposed to do???????????????????

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Well if it so that she has moved on then there is really no use you standing still but one thing that is guaranteed is your right to have a relationship with your daughter and you can get it to a point where you dont even have to speek to or see her mom the one thing that you will always have is the relationship with your kids and its the most important thing becasue no matter what no one can come in between that and if you do all you can do as father you should never concern yourself about a nother man your baby will always know who daddy is no matter what.

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Does she have a family member you can talk to?


Why did she break up with you?


If you do LC (little conact) she may call you back.

Call someone in her family and ask them if they can talk to her about setting up a time to see your kids. If you give her some space she will call you when she is ready. Just keep your contact about the kids only and do not force her to talk about your relationship.

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Yes first I would call her and ask to speak to my daughter. And I'd do this regularly. How old is your daughter BTW?


Then you have to get practical about this. See a lawyer about getting access orders....look this has to be done regardless of your other issue of wanting to be back together. Do this in parallel.


Taking action will give you a graeter feeling of control. This issue is too important for you to allow her to be dictating all the terms.

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i can imagine its a hard thing...trying to talk to someone u love but are "broken up" from is tough enough without involving a child..but u also have to think of your daughters feelings..i can imagine that she misses u terribly and wants to talk to u..and i kno u want the same plus more...but if u want it then u have to start trying to get what u want..i kno its going to be hard to talk to her mom but do it for your daughter...i kno thats what i wanted from my dad when he and my mom separated

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I know what you are going through, my wife and I split for a while and we have a daughter but she is nine and has a cell phone, so she texted me and I rang her on that.


I didn't want to talk to my wife either. Can you get someone to phone on your behalf and then they can ask for your daughter, they can put you on once she speaks.


I found having no contact at all with my wife helped me a lot, in fact I only had to see her twice in three months we were apart and by then she was being friendly again because she wanted me back.


By then, I was feeling better anyway so it wasn't so bad.

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Call her. Don't have a conversation with her if it hurts you but do ask to speak to your daughter. You have that right. In your mind you find calling her intimidating but you need put that on the backburner right now because talking to your daughter is more important than whatever is going on between you and her mother right now.

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