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Hey guys,

lately ive been getting depressed because im the only one in my circle of friends without a gf. On top of this my last gf was 2 years ago and since ive gotten over the break up ive wanted a new girlfriend, my last 2 girlfriends have left me for other guys, it just adds to my thinking that im worthless and not worth being with anyway so thats the background, anyway i see girls im interested in around but have trouble approaching them, i know i have a fear of rejection and i think if it happens again then im going to be worse off than i am now. I also dont know wat kind of openinig line will work best. The other problem is that i think i "really like" some girls but only because of their looks, like i dont even know them and id do anything for them. so let me know wat use think


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You know... after a few years you might realize that you should have been glad to actually have the... "problems" you are currently describing. There is no reason - whatsoever - to get depressed over this. There is no point.

You are focusing on the pressure society puts on you too much. Focus on your own interests and hobbies you might have.

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Nothing is wrong with you, you're just putting too much pressure on yourself. Your past has nothing to do with your future unless you live in the past! Find benefits to being single for now until you are ready for a relationship.


At the movies, the pop corn is all yours!

You can leave the toilet seat up!

You only have to smell your bad breath in the morning!

You get to watch what you want to on TV!

After sex, you don't have to talk!



Learn to put a positive spin on even the bleakest of times!



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Don't be too hard on yourself, there is nothing with you nor with wanting a relation. But at 17, you're still very young and think of the rejection as something good that happened, cuz by the way you get older you'll know what to expect in a relation and how to handle it properly without being so stress out.


As for now, have a good time being single, there's way more advantage to that than being commited to someone and haveing to dedicate energy and time on that person. Have a snack, get soda, and watch some movies or just chill with friends.

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For one girls can sense, feel, and see how tense you are around them...


Your trying to hard jsut relax and be calm and cool...


Girls can feel how desperate you are so lighten up....


I know what it is like when all your friends

have wives or girlfirends and have no time for you. Y ou can do whatever you want, you don't need anybody....


Now go out and enjoy yourself...

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i have problems with guys. while you do with girls! the only reason you havent had a girlfriend for 2 years is maybe cause u werent ready. i only dated 1 guy for a month and a half and i couldnt date anyone for a year cause i was still in love with him. what i am trying to say is that, i have been where you are. dont feel threatened that your the only one without a girlfriend. it takes time to find the right one. experiment a little. laugh alot. and just learn what makes you happy. you will gain the courage as soon as you really like someone. get to know these girls first. personality will tell you if they are good enough for you. i hope i helped!


~~amanda catherine~~

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rusty_boi, you just need to go unwind, relax and don't try too hard. let it flow naturally. you can also join us at link removed.


i found lots of friends there. maybe you can also find more friends there in your area, specially girls, aside also from your friends here. add me (shar82me) up to.

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