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So my ex called today after about 5 days NC and was just like her so i just got a new car and started telling me about it for like a minute and was like i was just wanting to call some people and tell them cause im excited! I was like ok cool well hey im busy ttyl bye. She was like ok bye in like a disappointed tone. Sound like the rite thing? Should I call later and be like ok well now tell me about the car or soemthin?

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She is your ex not your friend, she shouldn't be calling you. How are you going to move on if she keeps doing this?


Don't feel bad for being short with her, you did what you felt was right at the time, and in any case she shouldn't have called you in the first place. Maybe this will make her think twice about doing it again. You don't need that, you need to heal and move on. Keep NC.

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I agree, she called just take it as that and that only, DO NOT call her you have to stick with your plan of NC. She may be baiting you to call her again and you dont want to get into that cycle again. Stay strong and keep in NC, thats the only way anything can work.

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She is your ex not your friend, she shouldn't be calling you. How are you going to move on if she keeps doing this?


Don't feel bad for being short with her, you did what you felt was right at the time, and in any case she shouldn't have called you in the first place. Maybe this will make her think twice about doing it again. You don't need that, you need to heal and move on. Keep NC.


totally agree - Nicely put (:

you did the right thing, Good for you!!!! now stick to it, don't second guess your instinct.

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