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Being Let Go............

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Ok I want everyone to REALLY pay attention to what I am saying here.


First of all, being dumped is like being fired from a job you love..but someone has decided you are NO longer "eligible' or qualified for.


How do you feel? Most likely you are distraught, hurt and want answers of WHYYYYY you can no longer work there. They give you some generic answer..to keep you calm and to "cover their asses'.


What is your initial reaction? To PROVE you CAN do a better job and fight for it? Or do you immediately resume looking for empoyment ELSEWHERE where your services will be MUCH more appreciated?? Do you keep calling the boss that fired you....demanding or begging to be hired back?? OR do you privately give them the finger..and think "I'll make you regret letting ME go".........


I think being let go from a job that has defined us is NO differnt than being

let go from a relationship..and if we could apply the SAME logic we may....just MAYBE would be in a saner place.



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Great thread, Cute Band Rat, although personally, I would fight for my job. (Not the one im in now obviously, since Im here on the net, chatting away at like 4.45pm when I should be working ) and I now that fighting and beggin and pleading doesn't work in relationships, but it could I guess work in some job related pleadings and beggings. Maybe thats just me?

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I think being let go from a job that has defined us is NO differnt than being

let go from a relationship..and if we could apply the SAME logic we may....just MAYBE would be in a saner place.






Great analogy!


I miss my sanity more than I miss my ex.](*,)

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OR do you privately give them the finger..and think "I'll make you regret letting ME go".........


i know you're being serious here cutebandrat but what i want to know is how the h$!! you got away w/postings asses' w/out it being bleeped out?!


oh yes... and i especially like the "privately givin them the finger and wishing them future regret"


oh man - too funny !!! LMAO

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What if you're being let go because, for example, you can't handle the bookkeeping? But you love the company and they find you amazing in every other way. So you spend a year learning bookkeeping.


Or what if you're being let go because you're always criticizing and arguing, and you then spend a year growing in these areas. So, if you had learned these life skills BEFORE you two met, everything would be perfect. Wouldn't you want to go back and see if now the happiness would be there? I mean, if this person truly loved you and you made them happy apart from this one thing, wouldn't you want to see them happy again? And if they'd made huge efforts to stay in touch and keep the relationship going for 12 months.


I hadn't seen my ex in the flesh since November because we live 5 hours apart. Last November I turned up at Boston Airport to meet her plane. She saw me and hugged me and cried and refused to let go of me for 5 minutes. She said she was thinking of me as she got off the plane and she'd hated me in that moment because she was arriving alone. The next day when it hit her that I was leaving the following morning, she started to cry. She gave a delighted squeal that night wehn she saw I'd shaved and she twice came to crawl into my lap just for a hug.


Yesterday, she was driving through Montreal because she was at a wedding in Ottawa and she asked could she stay with me one day and night. We went to a movie and it was a beautiful day, just like all the days when we didn't fight.


For that kind of love, when you know you screwed up, but you fixed the hell that was going on inside you, wouldn't you want to re-apply for the position?



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Sometimes, you leave a job because of a promotion, because you are too good for the job...


A lot of times I have been dumped have really been "promotions" in disguise...and in time I realized that...


Totally agree with frisco here!


I have to admit that any time I left a job (I was laid off once, but others I chose to leave) it has always resulted in a better job.


Anytime I have been dumped, I have ended up far better off too. In fact even as I was single AFTER being dumped I was better off (though sometimes it took me a while to realize it!).


You can't find the perfect job/person for you as long as you stay holding on to the one that is making you unhappy/miserable. Sometimes we stay out of fear of the unknown, rather than taking that risk. It's not always grass is greener syndrome, I think we know ourselves well enough to know when we just aren't happy.

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The key to this is not make the job, relationship, etc. the biggest source of your happiness. Spread the sources of your happiness around, family, friends, hobbies, passions in life, and the job/relationship.


That way, if it fails, you still have other pillars holding your happiness up. I have fallen victim to the trap of resting my hopes and dreams one other person. The fallout is devastating...


And when you spread your happiness around like this, I do believe you become more attractive and are able to have a healthier relationship because you aren't ruled by need, attachment, clinginess...

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