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what do you eat for your everyday meals?

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My favorite breakfast is Stoneyfield Farm low fat yogurt with cut up fresh fruit. I have that almost every day. For lunch I'll typically have a salad, or a sandwhich, or sushi, or soup, or a couple of slices of pizza. Dinner is usually a veggie dish (steamed, stir fry, an eggplant parm...) occasionally pasta boiled with fresh steamed broccoli, olive oil and parm cheese, or on the rare occasion, chicken or a steak with vegetables. Snacks include cottage cheese with fruit, cherry tomatoes, apples and peanut butter, cheese and crackers, smartfood popcorn.... I try to have sorbet when I have a sweet craving but occasionally have icecream or a brownie too.


Not the best of diets, but I do love my veggies and am not a big meat eater (except for fish), and am not a big snacker either...

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I like eggs over easy and toast for breakfast. Or cereal. Or oatmeal. I usually make a ham and cheese sandwhich for lunch. Or some other kind of sandwhich. I snack on fruits. Dinner for me is usually one of those diet microwave meals.. And I often have another dinner after my boyfriend gets out of work. (11pm) That's steak, potatoes, some kind of vegatable. Or chinese food. Or pizza. Sometimes fish.


If you want to try something new and healthy I *HIGHLY* suggest sushi. I loooooove sushi.

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Breakfast: typically a yogurt mixed with cereal and some fruit

Lunch: it varies...I like ethnic foods, so when I'm at work, I'll get an indian dish...maybe sushi, or a sandwhich if I'm not in the mood for anything nuts.

Dinner: usually some chicken with some pasta. I usually have a snack before bed..and that can vary -- ice cream, a couple cookies, or some munchie type things.


Unfortunately, a lot of my calories come from alcohol though

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I usually don't get hungry till at least 10 or 11, then I graze all day long till I go to sleep.


I eat a variety: broccoli, green peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, (all with ranch dressing), lots (and lots) of pizza, steak, chicken, refried beans with chillis and hot sauce, bananas, salted apples, lots of tomatoes, homemade potato salad, whole grain breads and cereals, cheese (the real stuff, not american, or the stuff in the can), and I never eat or drink anything with fake sugar or fake or reduced fat!


*Aliec1987, I'll pass on the sushi, too.

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In the morning I have an engery bar since it's easy and not too messy to eat while on the go. If I have time, I'll try and eat a sandwhich (usually turkey and mustard and whole wheat bread) around noon-1pm with a V8 Fruit Fusion to get at least one serving of both veggies and fruits. And that's usually it. I drink a lot of water all throughout the day, but lately I haven't had the time to eat. I don't suggest it at all for a diet!

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Breakfast: Slim Fast and an Adipex

Lunch: An apple and 2 tablespoons peanut butter

Dinner: 2 or 3 bites of whatever I made for the kids and a plateful

of guilt over it

Snack: 20 minutes aerobics tape or other masochistic exercise



( I in no way endorse this diet for others... It is only for the causes of truth liberty, justice, and my class reunion in a month that I eat this way )


Other wise, just limit your portions, eat what you wanted to, but on a saucer instead of a plate.....

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I just shoot for 4000+ kcals per day, and at least 200 grams protein.


For me it is a seefood diet. Doesn't ever really get boring that way.


If I need to eat more food, I switch to liquid meals and more calorie dense food sources.


I do tend to alternate between sweet and salty meals though.

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Ever since a couple weeks ago I've been making myself an omelette a few times a week for breakast. I've been tossing in tomatoes, sausage slices, and sometimes olives. And to top it off, I tend to melt some cheddar cheese inside of it. I used to have cereal every morning during the school year, but got tired of it after a while. Saturday mornings I usually go out for brunch, and on Sundays I'm usually woken up by 11:30ish, so I tend to always eat at Subway to fulfill my lunch requirement.


As far as lunch goes, I sometimes get a sandwhich from Subway (as you can tell, I'm addicted to that place!), or just snack on something around the house. I've mastered the art of making the peanut butter sandwhich That's a regular food for me, because it's easy and quick to make, and there is always bread around the house. I sometimes make redbeans and rice with chicken if I'm really desperate to eat something.


Dinner changes a lot during the week, but is usually the same thing every week. Chicken and salad one night, steak another night, more vegetable-oriented food another night (all of which is made at home), and usually take-out pizza on Friday nights. I'm a health nut, so pizza and other foods like that is a no-no more more than once a week. Saturday nights I usually go out with my parents. I guess you can call it another splurge night, but lately I've steered away from the ultra-fatty/greasy foods to eat a nice big salad (i.e. Caeser with chicken). Sunday nights we usually make something ourselves.


That's pretty much it. I've been into cooking lately, so it might change some as time goes on.

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Yesterday was:


Breakfast: Nowt

Lunch: Nowt

Dinner: 2 x bowls ice cream, 2 x cake bars, 1 x apple, 1 x cereal bar

Throughout Day: Diet Coke, Water, Black Tea


Today will be: (this is better)


BREAKFAST: 1 x probiotic yoghurt, 1 x glass cranberry juice

LUNCH: margherita pizza

DINNER: 1 small bag candy, fruit juice


It's a nutritional disaster. I will be arrested by the food police. The stupid thing is, I know LOADS about nutrition, I just don't implement it. I know to eat low fat proteins, brown/slow release carbs, fruit and vegetables and "good fats", and go easy on the sugar...I just don't.

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Breakfast - Cereal, 1-2 slices of toast, fruit... usually peaches or pineapple.


Lunch - Usually just a couple of sandwhiches, some fruit and some juice because I don't have long for lunch at ground school.


Dinner - I try to have a balance between red meats, fish, I also eat a lot of korean food. I also like to make my own pizza's as well (they are much cheaper and I think they taste better than the alternative)

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If I'm eating healthy


Breakfast - Cereal. Usually Kellogg's Sustain

Lunch - Usually skip, or 2 minute noodles, or more cereal, or raisen toast

Dinner - Anything with meat, vegetables and rice/potatos. Though I prefer Japanese, Indian, Thai, etc.


If I'm not eating healthy, I often skip any or all of those meals and consume a lot of confectionary and other snack food.

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uhm for breakfast i like to have a hot pocket if i eat breakfast, not exactly healthy but i figure the earlier i eat it the longer i have to work it off.an apple and maybe a sandwhich, no mayo usually turkey and havarti and a vitamin water. for dinner ( i rarely eat dinner) 2 applesa vitamine water a can of a vegetable of some sort with grilled chicken in it, that was the last dinner i ate.


not the healthiest diet to be honest but it works for me


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i'm a creature of habit.


breakfast is usually museli and yogurt and a nice big coffee.


Lunch is usually sushi or a sandwhich


dinner don't really eat red meat or fish so it's usually chicken veges or this fried rice thing...


snacks is usually red bulls, strawberries (when in season) or m & m's.....

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