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how can i see him more??

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so i just got out of a two year relationship, some of you may know my stories.

but anyways. i started talking to one of my old friends romantically and were getting a little involved now since im single..

he came over the other night, we had a few drinks and went into the hot tub to chill out.. we ended up having sex..it was an amazing night.. he told me how much he use to like when we worked together a few years ago. and im starting to like him alot now.. we havent hung out since then which was 4 days ago, but i know hes very busy with working and volunteering for the fire dept. and he doesnt seem to have time to hang out!

but whenever i ask him to hang out he says hes busy and what not, and yesterday he called me after i asked him to hang out and he was with his friends..

i asked him if he would like to go to the movies and then he said he has no money to go, and then he said he was going to a bbq.

also he called me to tell me he was going into the marines..

so im quite confused, since i really like this person.

i dont know if it was just a hookup for him..


im not really sure if i should persue this relationship..

im not sure if hes into me..

i cant think of any ideas to see him more..

should i just ask him if hes into me??

ehh im not sure what to do b/c ive been out of the dating sense for a LONGG timee, over 2years b/c i never dated before my boyfriend.

so this is all new to me..

i need help!!!!!!!

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Ugh, you gave it to him too fast and now he has no interest. I would not be surprised at all if next time you met he tries to have sex with you.


May be too late, don't know what he thinks, but try to slow things down. If you want to build a relationship with him, no sex for a while, if you give it to him again, it will end up being a booty call (he is already making excuses not to hang out with you plus excuses not to commit into a relationship with you, big bright blinking red flag).

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so i just got out of a two year relationship

Ok, how many weddings have you been too that start off with the bride/groom starting a speech saying THAT.


You are only ready to start a new relationship when you start a post with this:


"so i just got OVER a two year relationship"


I dunno about "putting out" too soon, but I think you really need to take things slow. Sometimes the sex comes naturally early, sometimes it comes later. I guess it is just different every time and there are no set rules for all this.


Here's my "perfect picture" situation for dating, I call it When its on, its ON


You meet, theres a spark. You get nervous/giddy. The person makes you feel insecure, but in a great way. You gingerly reach out, they reach back. this happens again and again and slowly you get more confident. It is a series of "oh my god they didn't reply to my text they mustn't like me!" followed two hours later by "yey they like me they texted me and sound as into me as I am them!".


You KNOW when its on. You can feel it. And its a series of highs and scares.

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hm. yeah, doesn't sound incredibly promising. you asked him out, and he said he didn't have money to go. not a good sign.


oh well, if I were you, I would just forget about him, and if he started chasing after you again, think carefully about getting involved again as he is "joining the marines."


there's other men out there... don't worry! (((HUGS)))

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Who knows what he is thinking? The fact that he is going into the Marines may be a sign not to pursue him. If you really like him, then do not contact him and see if he contacts you. Don't ask him out anymore and see if he asks you out. If not, then appreciate the good time you had and move on. I can imagine it would be pretty hard to get involved with a guy that is leaving for a long time. Let him call and if he does not, then be thankful because sitting home waiting for someone is no fun I would imagine.

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