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uhmmmm.....ok? what was THAT?!?

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Ok. Update from me.


Last week I had a pretty good week. Worked, worked out, picking up the pieces of my life. Hadn't cried in ages, went to see a therapist, so all was going well.


Friday comes around, time for the weekend. One of my best friends called me up, asking me if we would go to the old waterhole we used to frequent in our youth. I hadn't been there in ages so I figured: "yeah, could be fun. It'd be just like the old days with old friends. Why not?"


So we go. I walk in through the door. The very first thing (or person) I see sitting at the bar? Exactly. The ex. I walk straight towards her and I keep walking on to the other side of the bar. No eyecontact, no "hi", no nothing. I kreep a straight face and do not acknowledge her presense. I take a seat in a position where I do not have visual contact with her. In other words, my back towards her. I try to play it cool but in the meanwhile, internally, I'm boiling of tension. It's freaking me out. First time in ages I go there and she has to be there. Damn. After about an hour, she got up and left. Good, I thought.


But still, seeing her again shook me up pretty bad. A friend of mine who knows of the situation, noticed it and gave some good advice: "good thing it happened so quickly. Better now, than when you're weeks or months down the line, think you're ok and THEN seeing her. Only way to go now is up."


It helped. So I'm having a drink, trying to enjoy myself, NOT thinking about her when out of nowhere a girl appears in front of me and hugs me all of a sudden. "Wow. WHAT?!?!" She lets go, it was a girl, Danielle, who I went to high-school with years ago. We hadn't seen each other in nine years. I was surprised to say the least.


Anyway, we talked and we laughed a lot. She grabs my cellphone, enters her number under VIP, and hands me my phone saying: "well, you'll need it when you're calling me tomorrow to ask me where to pick me up" Pick you up? Why? "you're taking me to dinner. Final"


Ok. So I picked her up on saturday, went to a restaurant, had dinner, talked, had loads of fun. Went to a bar, played pool (she shoots a mean 8-ball, beat my butt every game and I consider myself to be pretty good) after which we went clubbing. It was great and she's quite a looker too.


Night descended upon us and I brought her home. We talked for a while, but she had to get up pretty early so she went to turn in for the night. Before she got out she turned my head and kissed me out of nowhere. I let her."I'll be hearing soon from you ok?" and got out.


I was stunned. I drove home wondering what the hell just happened. It has been three weeks since my ex left me. I've never "rebounded" before. It was great. Really it was, but somehow I felt a little bit guilty. I don't know why.


Anybody know what I'm talking about?

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This is the work of the devil ,and im thinking conspiracy all over here now. Sure to go back to an old place only to get old wounds ripped open, i bet that Danielle is in the plot, and just friends with your ex. I don't believe nor trust this situation at all, isn't it all too coinsidentally? warning warning danger danger red flags =\

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It is a little odd to me that Danielle appeared out of no where and all of the sudden is kissing you and telling you to call her and take her out to eat. She's obviously a straight forward kind of girl.


How did she know you weren't already dating someone else? Did she even ask?


But you have to ask yourself if this is what you are ready for. Are you ready to have something else with someone else?


Depending on what you want, you should talk to her. Maybe you want to take things slow? You obviously seemed confused as it is. You might want to get answers.. and she's the only one who can give them to you.

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HMMMM. You might end up in a situation whereby Danielle might be part of a plot but ends up really liking you anyway. No..that's too like a teen movie. But just be careful.


That's the plot of "10 things I hate about you" with Heath Ledger and Julia Styles!!!!!!!

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@Robowarrior: SHHHTTTT!!!! "THEY" might be listening!!!!


@the rest: there is no way I can think of that Danielle and my ex know each other. And if it is a setup, that says more of my ex than me and she can go **** herself in that case.


Yes, Danielle asked if I was attached. I just stated that I was single. As I said, I didn't want to think about my ex. So I didn't tell her I just was broken up with.

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hey - you never know! people meet each other all the time in strange ways! I have even found people on eNotalone that I went to high school with! strange, huh?


Your ex and danielle could have met through friends or maybe they even posted on the same message board! or, could just be chance.


if this is just one crazy coincidence.... then maybe just take it slow. do you like danielle? do you want to keep seeing her? or are you not ready for anything?

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