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I'm new to all of this, I've just been feeling so down lately and I saw this website so I thought I'd try it out...

I've been with my boyfriend for 10 months now and 2 weeks ago he told me he was confused about his feelings for me... He said that he still loves me, but he needs to get his head together and he needs some time apart. Yet, he's still been calling me and emailing me and coming to see me like usual, and it's killing me. I told him on Tuesday that I love him (I want to marry him, he's the one), but that I can't stand not knowing for sure how he feels. I told him not to call me or see me until he knows what he feels. He agreed with me, but it's so hard not to call him... My need to do so is overwhelming. I'm away from my family and most of my friends aren't in the city right now and I'm feeling really alone, sad, depressed... I would love some suggestions for things to do to keep my mind off of him (I think about him ALL the time)...

Thanks in advance...

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Hi there, sorry to hear about this "break"...you are doing the right thing by staying away for now. If he wants time, then he needs to take it.!

the best you can do is involve yourself in things you love. I know I painted like crazy....divert attention to things like art, music, exercise.....and here! Lots of people here need help, a good way to see how many others are dealing with the same feelings..

Just stick to the plan, and keep some distance...if you feel like you have to talk to him, just write it down. Just think, now he can see what he is missing!

take care, and be strong


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