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Ex girlfriend's family interfering...

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hi, I've posted before - broke up with gf [18] of nearly a year for no good reason, lack of communication i suppose, and she ended up drunk kissing another guy. I forgave her but she broke it off soon after. Instead of begging and pleading I just decided to do NC because I felt I'd done nothing wrong and nothing else was going to work anyway..


Went NC for 2 or 3 months, then her aunt and herself began contacting me. The ex called in tears one night pleading reconciliation. I agreed to meet up but she cancelled. No word since.


Last week her aunt called to ask how I was (she called a couple of times since the break), and she said the ex was talking about me recently. But she wouldn't tell me any more, only that it was good things.


But it turns out the aunt had told her not to meet me that time because she 'wasn't ready'. I got a bit frustrated and annoyed, and I ended up saying there was no point in me and the aunt keeping in touch, like I was waiting in the wings or something.. it didn't feel right.


She really liked the idea of us two together, but then I can't figure out why she would stop her from meeting me. I feel I've done the right thing cutting 'the family' out, but its very strange can anyone offer an outside opinion?

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You did the right thing. If your ex wants to talk to you, she needs to do so directly, not through her aunt. And if she wants to meet up, she needs to actually show up. Her behavior is weird. If I were you, I wouldn't just cut her family out, I would cut her out too. If you still want her back, it's really up to her to step up to the plate and make her case. If she doesn't want to do that or isn't willing to risk that you might reject her, then it isn't meant to be.

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