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Cancer thread -- will someone please tell me everything is okay

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I don't know how to begin to tell my parents this, let alone my very loving boyfriend/best friend with whom I share everything. This is the first thing I've ever kept from him.


I'm about to turn seventeen years old. I'm learning how to drive, I get good grades, and I'm even thinking about getting married in a few years. I'm usually very positive but am usually an exceptionally private person, and some of the details of what I'm about to share are unbelievably embarrassing to me. I'm just beginning to realize that my health is seriously in danger, and there's this sort of cold numbness that comes with that realization. I don't know how to deal with this. I have to tell someone, and I have to get help right away.


I think I have cancer.


I have a growth on my anus which is probably cancerous, although if luck holds it'll be benign. It's about a centimeter long. This is not a genital wart or STD-related; this developed before I came into sexual contact with anyone. The reason I believe that it's becoming cancerous is because of the symptoms that are coming with it. There's blood in my stool and its frequency is changing.


The thought of going to a doctor is unbelievably humiliating, but there's nothing else I can do at this point. I'd rather be embarrassed than die young from something that I might be able to prevent.


Maybe it's a little soon to be jumping to conclusions, but I've looked everywhere for an alternative. It's almost undoubtedly anal cancer. The statistics are on my side and I know that I just have to stay positive to get through this. It's getting so difficult to stay cheerful, though, and the thought of talking to my parents and my boyfriend about it is awful.


I don't have anything to fear from my family. They'll stick with me through anything. I'm not religious, but I can recognize a blessing like that.


I felt that I had to talk to someone about this, though, and I'm not ready for it to be the people I love the most in the world. To hurt them like that would be unforgivable. I need to get this out of me, but to be anonymous about it... and I guess that's why I'm here.


If anyone has any advice, stories to share, or even prayer to offer, thank you so much.

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I would like to start with a caveat (as I usually do lol), that I am not a doctor and I really think you need to go find one to get it checked out.


Honestly, I would be surprised if it was a malignant cancerous grow. Cancer of (that area) generally occurs very high up inside and is hard to detect/operate. Its closely associated with HPV, as with women and cancer of their "waterworks"


Do you work out alot? It could be a haemaroid. I have had them occasionally, and sometimes they can be painful and sometimes they weren't. Alot of weight lifters get them, and if they originate deeper inside they can create pain inside and blood in the stool. It could also be a cyst of some kind, I had a few of these removed from INSIDE my head after motorbike accidents left some scar tissue that went a bit funny. I was very scared and convinced they were tumours... I began to think i was sick, lethargic etc... but they were simply cysts.


If it is a tumour, then its quite entirely possible it is a benign tumour and nothing to worry about. Even if it is cancer, given your age, its quite possible that the cancer has not spread elsewhere, and if the "lump" is near the opening then it is a very easily operable area.


Even if the worst case scenario happens, and it is a malignant tumour, then your prognosis is STILL good. Treatment with chemo and an operation to remove the "tumours" is very successful.


Dealing with cancer is incredibly stressful, but you CANNOT jump to conclusions. Even a tumour could be nothing more than some cells that went a bit crazy, and it simply needs to be removed.

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Friend, you really need to be checked over before you jump to that kind of conclusion.


A growth near your anus could even be a hemmroid. I have one on the outside, and it's nothing to worry about. It bleeds, etc. HOWEVER, you must go get looked at to be safe.


Why let yourself worry any longer? Go and get checked, and I'm quite sure you'll find out that you are alright.


If there's blood in your stool, it could be a number of things. You could even have an intestinal ulcer that is bleeding.


I am quite sure that at your age and if you have not smoked, and there's no huge history of cancer in your family that you are not as ill as you have decided you are


Go and be checked over, and trust in God. You will receive if you ask in faith



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Honestly this does not sound like a cancerous growth. This sounds suspiciously like a pilonidal cyst or abscess. These are non lethal, though troublesome and irritating infections of the cleft above the anus. They require medical intervention to treat.


For more information, please read this site: link removed


When you say you have blood in the stool - is it bright red on the toilet paper? This would indicate a surface bleed such as from a pilonidal or even from hemorrhoids and not an internal bleed from the colon or stomach.


However it is certainly advisable to see your doctor right away. Only your doctor can make the proper medical diagnosis.

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Hi Sputnik,


I totally agree with the others. You do need to see a doctor (and yes that can be embarrassing) bu what you describe is very unlikely to be cancerous, very likely to be hemorrhoids or boil/abcess. If you are getting a bit of blood in the stool then hemorrhoid is most likely.


None of us are able to give you proper medical advice in this forum so you do have to see a doctor but I think you can be pretty sure it is not cancer.

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It's hard to advise you because none of us holds any medical qualification to do so but I agree with everyone else that what you described sounds like hemorrhoids and they can be easily treated by your doctor. It's safer to be humiliated now by seeking medical attention than be sorry later when and if the growth is malignant.


Good luck.

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hemorrhoids was also the first thing that came to mind when I read your posts. You can get preparations over the counter at the pharmacy to treat those, but only if the blood is bright red, like AVMAN said. If you still worry that it is something more serious, rather have it checked out. Rather be safe than sorry. I know it is terribly imbarrasing, but worse things can happen, trust me.

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How long have you had this?


It could be many things, cancer is unlikely. It sounds like either an abscess or a thrombosed hemorrhoid. You need to see a doctor. They can tell you what it is right away, and help you to make it go away.


The embarrassing part is being examined and having to explain it. I doubt anyone here on this website would be enthusiastic about going to the doctor with the sole intention of discussing a butt problem. But let's face it- your health is more important. You need to get past the embarrassment part. The doctor's really don't care- it's not anything they have not seen before. If it makes you feel more comfortable- see a female doctor.


Worst case scenerio- if it is an abscess that needs to be drained, they may decide to lance it. (You'd be numbed if they did that.) If it's bleeding and uncomfortable now- I'm sure having it treated won't feel any worse. If it's hemorrhoids, they they may prescribe you suppositories. If they are severe enough to require surgery- then they will recommend that- but you'd be put to sleep for that and would not have to know what's going on. Regardless of what it is- they are probably going to recommend that you don't sit for extended periods of time. You may need a doughnut-shaped pillow for a little while.


You need to go get this looked at. Don't wait any longer.





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o.k. go to a doctor. probably you have hemoroids! And if you have sex with your bf, that means that you should be able to show your private parts to a doctor. You need to go to a gyno, so proctologist or any other doctor shouldn't be and musn't be a problem. Doctors are here to help you.


Don't worry they are doing their job and they've seen a lot of gthings. Not like you a.... is going to be the first one your doctor sees. If uncomfortable with male doctor find a female

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  • 1 year later...

friend, just last week i had the same scare. trust me...i'm as nervous as you are. having a family history of colon cancer this really freaked me out. and i'm only 36. however, my growth on my anal looks like those i saw online - hemoroids. 2 small bumps on each side, 1/2" inside, under my skin. I hope it is hemoroids but just to make sure, I'm going to see the doctor. Now if I remember, I had a lot of bowel problems.. (a lot of pushing and fast restroom stops) before this whole thing started. Did you have that problem? If you had bloody stole, go get it checked !!! ok ok as embarrassing as it may be, i'll say it, ...i had bloody stole a long time ago but never saw the doctor because i was constipated and my stole was big and i know it cut my inside ass and since then, when i have big stole, it cause the same place to bleed (blushing) ......regardless, i'm going to get it checked and so should you..... better early than later.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's hemorroids and I have medication for it. Since my family has a history of Colon Cancer, I will have to do a 'colonoscopy'. I hardly sit and I do a lot of physical activities during the day. My restroom use is quick and 'no pushing'.... i go as it comes... hehee.... i'm glad i went to see my doctor.

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