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Is e-mailing a part of a relationship ?

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Before I started dating the guy I was seeing we were getting to know each other through e-mailing for two months. When we started seeing each other he told me he considered the e-mails to be part of our relationship and that he would be very upset if I was seeing someone else during this time ( which I was ). I never considered e-mailing a relationship. What does everyone else think ?

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No. i email guys all the time (well guy friends....)

I guess it depends on the content of the emails and whether or not he got the wrong interpretation of things, you know?

Maybe he thought you were together from the word go.


Some people basically mean going out with when they say "seeing". Depends on the interpretation of the word, their own deffinition.

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No, he did not tell me this, he didn't say it until after we were seeing each other and even said that if I was seeing someone else during this time that he would probably break up with me. The e-mails were back and forth , just basically getting to know each other and talk of getting together.

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Not that there should be rules and guidelines... well when your together obviously, you dont see anyone else. But i think its hard for someone to say that they would break up with you when you didnt even know the specifics of what was going on.


at the end of the day, if you thought you were seeing him, and have now cut off ties with the other because your together now, then dont feel bad. its a misunderstanding.


BUT if you thought you were together (even the tiniest) then maybe it should have been sorted before.

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Um, not before we have established something, no. If we had talked about it being a committed thing, then, yes.


Had you met him at this time? If not, I think it is very odd he would even expect you to commit to something before you even really know what you are committing to!

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If you were unaware that the two of you were having an exclusive relationship, then you were not having a relatioship, regardless of what this guy thinks. I dated men in the past who expected me to read their minds when it came to relationships. One guy even told me that I was cheating for going out with another guy friend to a play. I wasn't even sure if we were together!


A relationship and the terms within it are agreed upon by both members of that relationship.

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We had met in person first and then we started e-mailing. The subject of whether we were seeing other people came up once, I considered myself still single and had no idea that he considered getting to know each other meant we weren't supposed to see other people.



I think you should tell him that next time he brings it up. Tell him that you considered yourself to be "single and looking" while emailing him at first. But that you never did anything but talk to other guys, and that obviously your boyfriend is the one who you wanted to be with.. and nothing more ever happened with those other guys.

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