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I've been dumped by my ex 8 months ago and yet I am still sitting around role playing about when he is coming back and to be honest its the only thing that keeps me going. After the breakup I have been so depressed that I flunked out of school and can't return til next semister and lost my job as well as my will to do much of anything. I just can't seem to let go completely. Now my days are easier than the previous months but I'm still waiting for him to come back and he's still with the girl he left me for. Why am I so utterly stupid

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Darling it's time for you to let go of the past. I must admit it does take time to get over a break up and now you have you be strong and get you life back on track. I honestly don't think his worth waiting around for. He isn't a nice person if he cheated on you. You must let go and be happy! Good luck

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saw your previous post...did i see 500 dollars for you to reunite your love one???

yet I am still sitting around role playing about when he is coming back


don't just sit there... you need to move, i mean move on...it's 8 monhts already!!! you need to do something.


After the breakup I have been so depressed that I flunked out of school and can't return til next semister and lost my job as well as my will to do much of anything


your not only ruining your love life, but your health and your whole LIFE!


I just can't seem to let go completely.


because you keep thinking of him, why not go out and get to know more people, go out with friends, study hard , and look for a job and eat well.


but I'm still waiting for him to come back and he's still with the girl he left me for.


don't wait. if you really love him, you have to set him free and be happy for him and the girl he is with now.

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You need to knock him off the pedastal he's standing on in your mind. I know how you feel. Believe me, I have been there before. But you need to change the way you think of this man. Right now you are giving him way too much credit. He is just a man. Right now it may feel like he is the best one in the world but he isn't. Not for you. He isn't perfect so if you're imagining him that way, just remember he isn't, no one is. Seriously evaluate why you so badly want to be with someone that doesn't want to be with you. This causes you pain. It is hard but you need to practice thinking in a way that does not cause you that kind of pain. Letting go of these feelings of wanting him back will cause you a remarkable sense of relief. These feelings stress you out and cause you pain but you can start to change that by changing the way you think about the entire situation. Don't think of it as losing him. Think of it as gaining your life back and your freedom from pain back.

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don't be depressed. i got it worse then. im still not over my ex and still waiting for some miracle to happen. it's been three years since the break up. although my ex is still single since we broke up and we hang out all the time though, but i really think moving on is the best thing to do, ALWAYS try. thats what I do, but there's just no luck for me.

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Tramatized soul, i completely relate to the feelings that you have just now. The feeling that there is nothing to get out of bed for, the emptiness without your ex and the fantasy in which way he will come back to you. Ive been there and done that, and guess what? I needed a slap!! ](*,)


Last year, my ex ended it with me after 4 and a half years together. I was devastated, kept texting him and begging him to come back, that i would do anything to change the way i was for him to love me the way he used to. I cant believe how low i let myself go. Looking back now, i cant believe i did it. He's only one person in this whole planet, someone who i would have done anything for yet he didnt give a s***. Then something hit me, id been letting my university work slip, had to take time off work coz i couldnt face thinking about anything other than him, what right did he have to take all my hard earned work away from me while he walked about all happy??


So i decided, i was going to motivate myself, do anything i could to take my mind off him, went to the gym and listened to bouncy happy music whilst working away! I spoiled myself a little by buying some nice new items for my wardrobe, went out and had drinks with friends leaving my mobile at home so that i wasnt even tempted to call or text my ex! Then i decided to go away for a nice couple of weeks to a hot country with my friends. Thats something you should do too!!


Get yourself a good new job, give it your everything and make money so that you can spoil yourself! You deserve to think about YOU first. As each day passes, you'll think to yourself, "oh...i havent thought about him atall today" and give yourself a smile That day came for me, and it will for you too xx

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I am in the same boat, as you. I just can't get over him!!!

I have searched so deeply and done the NC for about 3 months. I still received a msg about a month ago from him, asking how I am and hopes things are well and when I'll be leaving here. Got all my hopes up, still so in love with him. We broke up 7 months ago.

We only broke up, because he moved back home after working abroad, where I still am. He said he loved me, but it;s not going to work, because he is there and I am still here.

He is a great guy and we split with "no hard feelings", but I still dream of the day he will return to me.

Silly me, after a night out with friends a few days ago, I called his brother to ask about him. The only contact no I had. Only to be told that he has another girl and then he hung up. Confused I called back 3 times, only to have the phone put down in my ear.

I was doing so well, but now fear that he may change his opinion on me

and never want to be a part of my life again.

I feel so lost, because I loved so deeply.

I have starting studying again, halfheartedly, been going to gym and really trying to make my life more interesting, but I am so alone.

I wish all this would help, but my heart tells me that we will be together again, one day, but not right now, cause he's only 20 and still has so much to learn, I'm 25.

I just need somebody to tell me that it's all going to work out.....



Just another lost soul on planet earth>

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don't be depressed. i got it worse then. im still not over my ex and still waiting for some miracle to happen. it's been three years since the break up. although my ex is still single since we broke up and we hang out all the time though, but i really think moving on is the best thing to do, ALWAYS try. thats what I do, but there's just no luck for me.


If you are still hanging out with you ex, than how can you honestly said that you have tried to move on? You can't move on until you actually decide to.

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Well not until you get back to school, start studying again and find a job will you ever get over him. If you all just lying in bed having pictures of your ex or his #, or other things and not doing anything at all then how can you possible get over him, when you're not really forth the effort!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Its so easy to say move on and I know this because I tell it to myself everyday and yet I still can't, its like a battle between your heart and your mind and although I know my mind will eventually win its hard to turn completely left when you know turning right feels so good, I am so heartbroken I can't do much of anything even the littlest things are seeming to be unbearable, and now that the time is passing its getting worse cause I'm starting to feel hopeless

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