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Why did she tod me, would have been better untold!!!!!!!!!!

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I dunno what now, I think it would have been better if she had not told me about it, but she had it, I dunno why finacee told me. Now I dunno what to think of her anymore, yet I can't seem to dump her. I always told myself if a girl ever cheated, it was over for sure, but now I dunno. Just today, 3 hours ago she told me that one day before she came on May 31, she gave heads to other dude while drunk. But she say was totally drunk that day, that it was only oral when she went down on him but no undressings. And now come to think of all the kisses we have, only to know she had suck another dude's sperm, oh man, I dunno what now.


Ok, so I'm quilty of the same thing, did french kiss and make out with 5 different girls on several occasions, but that's nothing compare to what she did. I told her I dunno if I can stay, I couldn't hold it anymore, i broke down like a baby, told her I would think and left, still crying. I about to tell her my story as well. Oh , I'm about to break down again, ok wut now, I'ms till in love and my first relation by the way.

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computer_tec im not trying to take anything away from this, but i remember posts a week or 2 ago where you were PROUD that you cheated on your girlfirned ("minor cheating" according to you). you said you were going to get married and it doesnt matter because it was only making out with 5 different girls! i am not trying to be rude, but dont you think the saying is true: "what goes around comes around". i guess its the fact that you were very arrogant and the fact that you took pride in cheating on your girlfriend REALLY bothered me.


i even remember specifically asking you: "so are you saying that you wouldnt care if your gf made out with 5 guys cos its "not as serious as sex?" and you said it wouldnt matter and you called it if i remmeber correctly "minor cheating" or..something to that extent. anyhow, about your situation, it sounds like you guys are much too immature to get married (i remember you saying you wanted to get married to her). she cheated, you cheated and it seems like you two would both be better off going your separate ways. good luck and im sorry if i was a little rough

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Ok, so I'm quilty of the same thing, did french kiss and make out with 5 different girls on several occasions, but that's nothing compare to what she did.


So you kissed 5 other girls, and she had oral sex with 1 other man.


This relationship does not sound healthy one way or the other!


Cheating is cheating, and it's lying to your partner, regardless of whether it is with 5 other people or just 1.

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yes i agree. if the relationship is worth saving, and you guys are both willing to get help and get past this, then i think it may work. but from the sounds of it, you guys are just young and wanting to experience other things and maybe its best to go your separate ways. besides, shes your fiancee. making out with 5 girls is NOT okay while your in a relatinoship with someone, let alone engaged. i think you guys just both need some maturing to do and are not ready for marriage.

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The fact that she had sex with someone else bothers you. Maybe free sex and cheating isn't so great, when you realize the damage it causes. If you are choosing to be promiscuous, this is the feeling you will get, and you will be giving. Maybe you should consider an alternative.

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Looks to me that you have learned a very valuable lesson here! NO one is immune from infidelity, no one! and while you were out boasting of your fun and entertaining make out sessions, she was having some fun of her own.


My what a tangled web we weave.

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The fact that she had sex with someone else bothers you.


Yes, nothing worst than blowing another dude. For some reason oral is a lot worst than penetration,the fact it was done delibarate in her free will, very degrating way. I'm still dusgusted by her, I dunno if I can ever kiss her.

Anyways as for the update, we spoke once again yesterday very late at night. She start off saying that there was no way I would have ever found out given that I dunno the other dude nor does she, no one knows him and that it just happen that day (one day before she came), goes on saying she could not keep the secret anymore. Right when she proceed on saying how she completely lost control with the alcohol and that I was gonna break up for sure, and she didn't mean to,that's when I couldn't keep it anymore I told her my story as well. So now she knows all of it from me as I know from her. To my surprise says she forgives me right after I say the same thing, only I'm having more hard time with it than she is.


Then again, I can imagine if I would have been there on her country and catch her in the act when she's giving him a blow job, I would beat up the other dude. And well it would have been over for sure. Or if I had heard it elsewhere, I think I would have end it right away as well. I guess the only reason why I still wanna stay with her, she told me yesterday in tears, did seem regretful, but I can't picture myself kissing her now nor making out with her, yet I still love her.


She seems to get over mine cheatings quicker than me, I can't.

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You kissed 5 different girls out of free will, how would you think she feels about kissing YOU know? Though she shouldn't have given them head, your no better, especially as she was drunk, so it would have been less of a conscious choice. Have you told her about your 'minor' cheating? She had the guts to come out and tell you.

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Yea it was already over when she had to get a lie detector, she was already with the guilt. If you can't ever touch her nor look her straight when you're sober then it's over already, save yourself further trouble. Both of you are not ready for commitment, why did you even consider marriage when you were making out with other girls and at 19?? That's too young to marry, that's when you want to find out what you want in a relation.

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This really seems like karma coming right back at you.


So now you know how it feels to be on the other side of the situation. Perhaps you will think twice before making out with a 6th girl while you are supposed to be engaged.


Cheating is cheating is cheating- neither of what you two did was any worse than the other.


I really don't think you can be disgusted at her without feeling the same about your own infidelities.


At least now the cat is out of the bag- you both fessed up and you know the truth. Now maybe with time and effort from BOTH of you to be faithful, you can work on this relationship. OR, this has been enough to show you that NEITHER of you is ready to commit to marriage at this time.

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