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Precious angel


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Though our eyes have never met

I see you every day

I have never held you

But I fall asleep with you in my arms

I carry a piece of you with me

All the days of my life

Crying out to the heavens

That one day our paths will again meet


Will you remember?

Will you understand?

Will you love me?


The empty space in photos

The stillness of the room

The black chasm in my heart

Time passes by

So many questions

With answers that elude me


Are you safe?

Are you happy?

Are you loved?


Mistakes, evil, desperation, deceit

Tortorous visions that live on still

Portraits of humanity

Best left dead and buried

Such small solace

Desperate measures

Desperate actions


Today of all days

I miss you more than ever

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this is my interpretation of your poetry:

the speaker has lost his father, perhaps even before he was born, and he longs for a connection that can only be met in some torturous emotional realm, as opposed to a physical one. I really connected to this poem, whether or not my interpration was right on, or way off.

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Avman x you dark horse you x thats just, amazing. *smiles ear to ear* i do like it when people come up with something original, your words appear so unique.(im used to hearing the same things, well, me included, using the same metaphors but mildly extended)alot of emotion has gone into that, thats pretty exposing. i like it. well done *big smile* ... i hope that doesnt seem patronising. but you, are officially, a proud member of the poem club hehe x yayx

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Every once in awhile though I need an outlet just like everybody else.


Yea, think this is the first time you wrote a poem. Good to hear you're expressing what you're feeling. True, everyone lets go of their outlets at a point they don't feel like talking about it in person, so writing makes it easier.


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