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Why not kill yourself?

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I've been pulled toward suicide since I was 13. In a perverse way I see it similar to quitting smoking, but I've failed.


Let me guess.

At 22, you've probably had 4 years in the adult world, don't have everything you want, get lonely and feel the world is chugging on happily without you. Women, bosses, parents and friends puzzle you.

No one respects you.

Is that even a little bit close?


All that will change.

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I would love to get up and leave....but right now i am half way done my B.S. in engineering. To leave now would be stupid. I feel like i need to finish this damn degree before i do anything else in my life. I am a highschool dropout....so graduating college is a very important thing to my parents and to myself(I think).


your credits will still be there. plenty of people take time off and then go back to school.....


you can absolutely request a year long leave of absense, if that is what will make you happy.

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I just read your last post and here's your answer:




If you don't like your life, it's time to change it.


You have an alcohol abuse problem and a smoking problem. You need therapy and you should check yourself into a rehabilitation clinic.


People with these kinds of problems are obviously very unhappy because they struggle so much everyday with these problems.


If you didn't have these problems, wouldn't it seem feasible that your life would be more 'easy going' and it would be easier to be happy? If you answer no, then you are just someone who feels sorry for themselves and there's no cure for that but to learn to stop pitying yourself.


You can request time off from school due to mental issues. You must see a counselor.


Unfortunately I have seen a lot of people where you are and they all have one thing in common. They spend more time pitying themselves than time doing something about their problems.


I myself had a very rough childhood, and a horrifying abusive relationship where I contemplated suicide almost daily. When I got away no one would support me and told me I was crazy. So what's the moral of the story?


I hated my life. I hated the way it was going, I hated who I was, I hated everything about it:


So I did something about it.

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is that so fuglet? most people only think of themselves when they want to die? well i can assure you when i end my life, i'm going to go far far away where i won't burden anyone . what i mean is, i'm not going to kill myself where my family will find my body. in fact they will never know because i don't think i'm goig to tell them. by not telling them, there won't be a funeral. no funeral means no one has to be burdened with the cost. and before i die, i'm going to give my grandmother my kidney. so while i can;t speak for others, i'm not just thinking about my own feelings. if anything the people in my life who talk about "caring" and "God" are the ones who are into themselves.



Have you ever heard of the "Disappeared" they are the children, Husbands and wife's who have been taken and killed by dictators and there kind the world over. Where ever this happens the families come to giver the loss of there loved ones. All they wish is to know what has become of them. You can see there faces on TV news show hollow and streaked with loss. There loved ones there one day there there the next gone, no sight, sound just gone. The families never get over the loss endlessly asking what has become of the missing ones.


So what you're saying is you will put your family throw that pain by making your self one of the Disappeared. The ranks of the Disappeared are full of Peace actives, Human rights works and the brave that made a stand against injustice and appreciation. From Jonsiber 1980's to Germany 1940's to South America today.


Just tell me how you think you have the right the Join them, in what why will your throwing your life away stand against that kind of bravery.


To kill yourself as you have said will be a selfish, dumb and evil act.


You need to ask what you by with a death like that, and think what you could by with the life saved and used to do just one thing, a soul lost to the Disappeared would do with your time.


Now that act I would salute and say there is a human being that is selfless and worth my respect and I know many others would to.

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Well when I think about it, suicide is just stupid.


I mean, it is, isn't it?


You know this. When all's said and done, if you wanted to do it that much, you would have done it. Your choice, ultimately.


no offense or anything, but "stupid" is not a very deep or descriptive word. When i said think about it, i was trying to avoid the simple responses such as "it is stupid"


I explained in my original post the reason i will not kill myself anytime soon. It has nothing to do with suicide being stupid.



This is referring to other posts, not antilove's:


Do any of you really understand what ceasing to exist means? No, and i don't myself. But it would make sense that if you no longer exist you would not 1. feel guilt for the people you left behind hurting, 2. miss out on the wonderfulness of life, or 3 Be entering somewhere worse then this current world.


None of those arguments really make sense to me. Once we are dead we will not be able to care about anything. We will also not be able to care about not being able to care.

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no i have no right to join the "disappeared". but since we are talking about doing something aout our lives, i figure taking myself out of the equation since i am such a burden would be doing something.


and yeah suicide isn't a good thing....but evil?

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good and evil are only what you think they are. There is no one correct definition of good and evil.



I absolutely disagree with this opinion: Think about it for a second, the Holocaust was neither good nor evil? Torture is neither good nor evil? Thirty year old fathers having sex with their three year old daughters is neither good nor evil?

I tend to stay away from the religiously toned words such as "good" and "evil", but I am not a relativist, and I firmly believe that there is a difference and a choice between right and wrong actions.

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"I tend to stay away from the religiously toned words such as "good" and "evil", but I am not a relativist, and I firmly believe that there is a difference and a choice between right and wrong actions."


Things aren't black and white. One mans good is another's evil. The nazis didn't think they were being evil. I wouldn't call them evil. I don't like them at all...don't get me wrong, but I think "good" and "evil" aren't very intelligent words to use.

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I absolutely disagree with this opinion: Think about it for a second, the Holocaust was neither good nor evil? Torture is neither good nor evil? Thirty year old fathers having sex with their three year old daughters is neither good nor evil?

I tend to stay away from the religiously toned words such as "good" and "evil", but I am not a relativist, and I firmly believe that there is a difference and a choice between right and wrong actions.



So who do you think defined good and evil? Was it god? Is it you? Is it someone else? If god defined good and evil, then he obviously created evil as well, so wouldn't that make him evil?

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So who do you think defined good and evil? Was it god? Is it you? Is it someone else? If god defined good and evil, then he obviously created evil as well, so wouldn't that make him evil?


"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think" -Adolph Hitler


"Atheism leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, to natural piety, to laws, to reputation; all of which may be guides to an outward moral virtue, even if religion vanished; but religious superstition dismounts all these and erects an absolute monarchy in the minds of men." -Francis Bacon


"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things, and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven Weinberg


"Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality" -Frank Herbert

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ok...i kind of hoped you would tell me your own thoughts instead of giving me a bunch of semi-relevant quotes



How did I know you were going to respond this way....

Anyhow I believe the quotes I provided are quite relevant actually, and it's always better to cite, than it is to plagiarize.

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