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my best friends ex

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I am a terrible person. My best friend and her boyfriend of 2 years just broke up about a month ago. She was over to my house and was talking to him on messenger 2 nights ago and was messing with him, pretending to be me. She said she wanted him and always has and he took it seriously. After she left i kept talking to him and little did she know i really DID want him. In a way i felt guilty that i was doing this to my bestfriend but on the other hand i really wanted him and she DID date him while i was crushing on him years ago. Which is no excuse i know..


Anyway..he came over today and it was pretty awkward for about 15 mins because we'd never been around eachother really without my friend. After a while we started making out and before i knew it, we were naked on the couch having sex. It was the best sex ive had and at the time i had nothing else on my mind except for the moment that was happening. When he left i began to feel disgusted with myself because i did this to my best friend. I mean, i know there is no way they would be back together in the future and me and him DEFINITELY dont have a future, fooling around is all it could be. I cant tell my friend about this and i dont know if i should...some day in the future when it will be old news, maybe i will.


Opinions? Am i terrible person for doing this?

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I am a terrible person.


Opinions? Am i terrible person for doing this?


Well it seems kinda dumb at least to me to state what you have already stated.


Yeah, personally I think it's messed up sleeping with your best friend's ex. I can't imagine doing that to my best friend, then again she's bi and I only know one of the guys she's ever dated.


Anyway, whether you tell your friend or not what you did, I guess she'd be pretty upset, esp since they were together for 2 years. If she ever finds out, or you tell her, you just have to prepare yourself with how she may feel. She may not want to be your friend anymore because in a way, you'd betrayed her. Friends don't do that kind of thing to each other.

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hi i think sleeping with ur friends ex was wrong but i only asking you said ur friend prentend to be u on msn did she say anything under ur nick like trying to lead him on or anything , who made the 1st move before you started making out ??/

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You and your best friend are not bad, you both are good, as playmates.


Enjoy the playmate dreams, it's plastic, it's fantastic!



Anyway, that is a pretty crappy (for a lack of a better word) thing to do to your best friend, but if her boyfriend was so easily drawn away from your best friend to cheat like that, he doesn't sound like "long-term" material in the first place. It's really pathetic on his part to just up and have sex with you like that. Then again, it's pretty pathetic for you to up and have sex with your best friend's boyfriend like that too.


On the other hand, why was your best friend txting him like that? They must have had trust issues in the first place and it sounds like the relationship was starting to die down anyway. Or was the txt messaging thing just a joke your best friend was using get off on? If I were you and it came time to tell your best friend about this, I might include the fact that he was so easily able to throw away all he had with her just to get laid.


In answer to your original question... No, you're not a terrible person, but what you DID was dispicable, and if I was your best friend, I probably wouldn't be after that... at least for a few months.


That's my $.02

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um, I'll chime in with "not a good thing" to sleep with your friend's ex. but then again, she shouldn't have been pretending to be you and flirting with him! I would think that right after a breakup of a 2 year relationship, emotions are pretty shaky, and he might just jump at the chance of trying to get over his heartbreak faster by sleeping with anyone. And you happened to be there.


I must say though.... you seem to be picking the "wrong men" to have sex with based on some of your previous posts. Have you given this some thought? Why do you keep going after men who are taboo?

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We can't answer that question... Do you feel like a bad person for what you did? If so, what are you going to do about it? If not, I wouldn't worry, things happen.


But if I were you, I would tell your friend.


Sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing to do.


You dont need permission from your friend to date an ex... I would be touchy about it though, what were the circumstances of there breakup? Her decision? His decision? Can totally change my outlook on how to handle this.

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