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Pain during sex during her period

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So the other night my girlfriend and I had sex during about the 6th night of her period (she has very long periods; about 11-12 days). She told me that it hurt her a lot, and that it was difficult for her to enjoy it. Unfortunately, this was one of those nights in which I lasted a long time, so I'm afraid that I caused her a LOT of pain. I feel so bad about it, and so does she! She started crying toward the end, but not because of the pain; it was because she felt so bad about it! I love her so much and I hate to see her feel bad about something that's completely out of her control. She still is sad about it, what can I say to make her feel better?

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Stop having sex with her. Both of you are too young to be having sex in the first place. Plus you don't wan't to get her pregnant.


Who are you to say whose too young to have sex? I mean they were 11-14 then I'd say yea but damn they're only a year from being legal. As long as they're practicing safe sex and aren't being dumb about it then leave them be. They'll have to live w/any bad consequences.


Of course looking at your sig I can see why you responded the way you did which you do have a right to do but still...

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she needs to go to a doctor. She obviously isn't on any birthcontrol pills (which are way more effective than condoms alone, should use both to be honest) because if she were she would be having normal periods.



I agree with this. Birth control pills make periods easier to deal with, and you'll know when they are coming. My period when I was on the pill lasted only 4 - 5 days and wasn't heavy. They are the best way to prevent unwanted pregancy. But don't stop using the comdoms as you also need to prevent std's.


As for the pain she really should see a doctor. I was experiencing painful sex (anytime of the month) and went to the doctor, they found a cyst on my ovary. I've had it removed and sex isn't painful now.


Don't let anyone say your too young to have sex. Here in Australia the legal age for intercourse is 16 so your well above the legal limit. Sometimes I get so annoyed when people of religious believes expect the entire population to live by what they believe.

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Who are you to say whose too young to have sex? I mean they were 11-14 then I'd say yea but damn they're only a year from being legal. As long as they're practicing safe sex and aren't being dumb about it then leave them be. They'll have to live w/any bad consequences.


Of course looking at your sig I can see why you responded the way you did which you do have a right to do but still...


I work at a high school and I interact with teenagers all the time. They are not emotionally ready to have sexual relationships. If you are going to have sexual relationships you should be able to handle all of the issues that come with being sexually active. I seriously doubt that he can raise a baby and take care of a family at his age.


He is just having sex for fun but can he handle to responsibility of being a husband and father? Does he understand the soul ties that are created when a man and woman becomes one? Are they willing to suffer a lowering of their self-esteem if the relationship does not work out? Sex is not just sex, when you breakup the soul is damaged. As an adult, I give the best advice that I feel. I don't think it is right to teach teenagers how to have sex. That's one reason why the world is as messed up as it is.

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Sensible people separate their self esteem from their relationships.


When men and women have sex, it isn't becoming one.


Becoming one is sharing closeness on an emotional level, it can be together with, or separate from, sex.


People the world over have been having sex from when their bodies were physically able, there are many societies (of ancient and modern variety) where this has been the case.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but gosh..I had to respond to that. They could be doing so much worse than sex. It's just a bodily function, with as much weight as you attach to it.

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Stop having sex with her. Both of you are too young to be having sex in the first place. Plus you don't wan't to get her pregnant.

Hi, I don't necessairly think eriko posted for us to tell him what to do about having sex. I do not think that is in our hands to tell people what choices they make and if they are right or wrong.

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Whoa everyone! Settle down!


Lonestar does have an interesting perspective of working with high schoolers, and yes, I can imagine that sex adds a layer of drama and problems into their lives that they don't need.


But, from my other perspective... we were teenagers not too long ago and exploring our sexuality was just a normal part of growing up.


However, the original poster is 18, legally an adult. I am assuming his gf is also?


So, it really isn't our place to say if he is or is not ready for sex. As an adult, he has made that decision for himself.


Anyways, sex shouldn't hurt. If it is hurting, there is a problem. Stop having sex until she goes to the gynecologist and she gets a full exam! Hopefully, it is just an issue of a swollen uterus, like a previous poster mentioned, but it could be a sign of a more serious problem.


good luck! And go to that doctor ASAP!

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Yea. I turned 18 three days ago. My girlfriend is still 17 but will be 18 in about a month. We both love eachother deeply, and to not have sex would be harder than imaginable because of that. But reading everyone's posts has enlightened me greatly. My advice for the rest of you is simple:


Keep your opinions about sex, abortion, etc, to your yourselves. Let others make the "mistakes" your unwilling to make.


Thanks a lot.

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Keep your opinions about sex, abortion, etc, to your yourselves. Let others make the "mistakes" your unwilling to make.


Thanks a lot.


People can say what they want to say. If you did not wan't any other opinions you should not have asked the question in the first place. Or why don't you go ask your parents.

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ahem..... to get BACK on topic....


eriko - I'm sort of confused as to why you "kept at it" if you will, knowing she was in pain and even crying toward the end?


As someone has said already, during a woman's period the uterus can become swollen and cause some pain and discomfort...


Did she just decide she could handle it?


11-12 day cycles aren't unheard of, but not the norm. Has she been to a Dr about that??

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