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i would rather be in a bad relationship than not be in one at all!

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i have been having sooo many problems with mywith my bf and i put up with it because i don't want to be alone. the things he does is really hurtful and sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be in a healthy relationship but i don't ever see myself being in one. is there anybody else out there who doesn't want to be alone and puts up with alot of pain?

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i have been having sooo many problems with mywith my bf and i put up with it because i don't want to be alone. the things he does is really hurtful and sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be in a healthy relationship but i don't ever see myself being in one. is there anybody else out there who doesn't want to be alone and puts up with alot of pain?



Well, that's a pretty bad motto to have.


Aside from staying in an unhealthy relationship (and anyone whom looks at your posts can see how unhealthy it is), and hurting yourself even more, you are also preventing yourself from ever meeting someone whom WOULD treat you well.


You are also preventing yourself from gaining the strength, confidence and independence you need to form healthy relationships. As long as you expect to never be in something healthy - you will make bad choices.


If you are choosing a negative relationship over being single, that shows to me you have a lot of insecurities you need to work through - on your own outside of a relationship.

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No way, I would rather be alone than be in a relationship with a guy whom would treat me like dogpoo. Remember, people will treat you as you LET THEM treat you (good or bad). You are letting this happen Jay. Your boyfriend is horrible to you...why would you want to go through that?


Being in a relationship DOES NOT free you of your insecurities, in fact, being in one can exacerabate them. Work on your issues FIRST...then find a nice young man to be with.


I was in horrible relationships in the past...I have been verbally and emotionally abused, lied to, cheated on, humliated, dated a drug user and dealer, alcoholics, ex's whom had finanical difficulties, ex's whom still talked to ex girlfriends, you name it. I HAD ENOUGH!!! Life is too short...why put up with all that garbage. I took some time out, did things for myself, I see a social worker....and now I am in a relationship with an awesome guy. I would have been missing out on him if I stayed with those clowns.

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If you want to be in a healthy relationship, you first have to have a healthy relationship with yourself.


That probably means being alone while you sort out the relationship with yourself first. Once that's in order, getting involved in a healthy relationship with someone else becomes much more likely.


Sorry, but I don't know any another way to get your relationship with yourself in a healthy condition other than being alone and working on it diligently.

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The person you are with verbally and emotionally abuses you. He has conditioned you into thinking that being alone is a fate worse than death but it's not. Try this website for some info on emotional abuse, a forum for other women who are/have been in your situation, and how to start the healing process and reclaim your life.link removed

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life is too short for bullshi!t.

When you say "being alone" it sounds like it is so bad.

Being alone doesnt mean being single. Being single can mean that you are not 'alone', you build friendships, your self worth and family relationships.

There is so much to do out there and so many people to meet!

It sounds like you might have low self esteme and it isnt easy to get ot of the situation. I recommend that you get your butt out there and socialise, meet more people. Your will be surprized what this does to your self esteme.!!

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Believe me, I'd rather be stuck indoors with the TV for company 24/7 than be in a bad relationship. I'm in a less than perfect relationship and one of the reasons I cling to it is that it's better for my daughter. I also have seen improvements since a low point about 2 years ago and think there could be a longer term future.


The question is "how bad is bad"?

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