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usong the F word while having sex?

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There are some people who use this word while having sex.


i wonder if for example you are having sex with someone and suddenly hear this word from him/her, will you be turn off?


it's a turn off for me. why use 'F...ing you' when you can say 'making love to you'? i think the person doesn't like/love me that much if i hear this word. it's like those porn movies i watched...lol.


yeah, maybe some people do the same thing from what they watch. maybe they think it's cool to use the word.


what other things you don't want to hear while making love with someone? what turns you off?

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The only thing that has turned me off is "F- your brains out".


SO gross. ugh. Turn off... absolutely.


I don't mind the word at all, though. But when "I love you's" are exchanged that's always best of course. I think depending on how it's initiated depends on what they say, basically. If you're getting all hot and heavy with eachother you'll probably hear more dirty words than if you've just come home from a romantic night out for example, and everything starts slow.

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I think I'm late.

My ex was good at that.

I forgot to call my mother.

What time is it?

I feel so fat.

Don't muss my hair.

Ewwwww, you're gross.

My husband's home!


Actually, I think in a long relationship having a big vocabulary is a turn on.

Sex isn't dirty unless you're doing it right.

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Hm, I honestly don't mind it. Me and my boy both are really, really into talking dirty when things are hot n' heavy, but we both also know when not to use it. We're also both huge fans of mushy "I love" romantic love-making, so it balances out really. I like both!


EDIT: LostInMyThoughts, TOTALLY agree, couldn't have put it better.

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My boyfriend and I have never had sex, we're obviously too young, but I notice that when he's talking to his friends, he uses the words "sex" or "f***ing* to refer to the act and when he talks to me, he always, always calls it "making love."


I find it one of the sweetest things a guy could say.

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butterflies, I'd say f---ing is when it's hot and raunchy, the kind of sex where you don't care if you make it to the bed much less the bedroom, aka both partners hormones are through the roof. Sex is run of the mill vanilla everyday fooling around, nothing out of the ordinary, but of course satisfying nonetheless. Making love is usually when it's romantic, generally slow, whispering sweet nothings, and overall being mushtastic. Those would be my definitions; everyone generally has their own individual ones though.


And Amore, it's sweet that your bf refers to it as making love when he talks to you about sex. Its understandable he uses a little more slang when talking to the guys, but it's respectful and gentlemanly of him to be more proper around you. Good show of character.

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making love


How would you categorize that? how will you know where they belong?

These are three examples from past relationships on how I'd break things down.


After a romantic dinner date, we came home, opened a bottle of champange, turned on some music, lit candles... spent a lot of time with foreplay, then made love. It's still sex, but it's more focused on the two of us becoming as close to one as possible, lots of eye contact, deep kisses, so on and so forth.



After hanging out with a girl for a few times, we started to make out, then things got hot and heavy and we had sex. Just straight penis + vagina =


Came home from work, and my ex was cooking dinner. She pulled me up close and placed my hand underhere skirt to show she wasn't wearing any panties. We then f**ked in the kitchen.

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Some people use the F word during sex because they associate it with hardcore sex.


What turns me off is when people are extremely vulgar when talking about sex. It's so tasteless to say, "If we're having sex, we better have anal, and I'm going to give it to you hard." Whenever I hear or see a person joke around like this, I just see them as a potential rapist. I'd get scared if I ever dated a person who spoke to me that way.

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I don't recall my boyfriend saying the f-word during sex. I recall though him looking at me and saying "I love you". Maybe saying the f-word as he or I orgasm wouldn't bug me. He will talk dirty to me sometimes online when we're in the mood and we can't physically be together and do say "I want to f*#$ you so bad." but we're totally horny and want sex really bad.


But I don't think I'd mind it if it was really hot and heavy which is how I think it'll be next time we see each other and the dirty talk started flying.


I do agree there is a time and a mood to use profanity during sex ...

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love the f word. Love it. Use it regularly. i like words and this one has several meanings in different context, like dude, which I also love.


F!! I hate that! I can't believe it.


F....that sucks.


F!!! That's amazing.


I totally agree with Lost in that there are different types of sex - all of which you can have with one person - or three Dako. Have at it. At least until one of them says, "my husband's home!" - but IMO, as far as the f word is concerned, it has it's place....


....And that's any effin' where I wanna use it!

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Some people use the F word during sex because they associate it with hardcore sex.


What turns me off is when people are extremely vulgar when talking about sex. It's so tasteless to say, "If we're having sex, we better have anal, and I'm going to give it to you hard." Whenever I hear or see a person joke around like this, I just see them as a potential rapist. I'd get scared if I ever dated a person who spoke to me that way.


Concur *diamond*


Talk is cheap.


There are people which need excitement because they are bored.


There are people which like it rough, because they lack feeling.


To be really patient and soft and relaxed and to scream (like tarzan) is what is ultimately difficult, and ultimately rewarding.


Edited - I am studying this, quite humbling:


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Ok I have to add my 2 cents...I like the f* word during sex. I however, like things a bit rougher than the average girl, so I guess the word f* just goes along with the territory.


I dont agree that if you say f* that you lack feelings. I am full of emotions and feelings and I say it quite a bit. Anyway...

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Nah, I don't think that shows whether you do or don't lack feelings. Like I said, me and my boy love this kind of sex occasionally, and we're definitely a very loving, affectionate, supportive couple. We actually both had to be very comfortable and trusting with each other before we could be relaxed enough to express ourselves that way. As with everything in a relationship, I think it has a lot to do with communication. If my boyfriend, who is a gentle person by nature, ever thinks he goes too far, he stops and asks if anything is bothering me. A lot of times, afterwards, when we're snuggling, he reminds me he didn't mean any of those things and he loves me.


I like variety. I'd get bored if it was always slow love making, even though that is my favorite way to have sex. But I wouldn't always want it to be rough and dirty either.

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