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Ideas for what to do during french kissing?

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hey guys! Me my boyfriend (i've been going out with him for just a few days now, but see him often) have just been french kissing, and during the kiss he always kisses me on the neck too - which i really like. I don't do anything else and I thought I wanted to do something different aswell like he does, but I don't know what to do because if I do his neck then I'll just look like I'm copying him lol.


Any ideas? xXx

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Hi there,


Ask him what he likes. There is nothing wrong with kissing him on the neck. Also, nibbling on his ear lobe feels nice too and whispering nice comments in his ear is nice as well. Also, tongue is not necessarily needed all the time, light kisses on the lips and on the cheek is hot too.

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*evil laugh*


Wait, you're a girl.


Uhm, I don't know what guys sensative spots are, I've yet to have that done to me.


However, have him kiss your palm, and kiss the bottom of your wrist, and lick his tongue all the way down your arm, and up to the neck, and then have him nibble on your earlobe.


hehe, I know how to turn women on

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A lot of times, people do to others what they like. It's a weird thing humans do, but it's often true.


Try kissing his neck once. I have a sneaking suspiscion (sp) he'll LOVE it.


Right and right. I love having my neck kissed, which is why I take that to another level and lick her whole collar bone area. And she likey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Me and my gf whom ive been with for 6 weeks now, but only get to see once a week, just tend to experiment when we kiss, we made up games while kissing, just to keep it all interesting, like for example i found out she finds it ticklish on the roof of her mouth, so sometimes in the middle of a kiss ill try and reach that with my tongue, and sheel try and stop me with hers, its nt something we ever talked about, it jus happened. I think you just need to experiment while kissing, and if you get a particular reaction or turn a certain thing into a 'game' then it makes it a lot more fun than it already is.




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Here's some things I do:


*I don't like to just keep it on the lips. When I want some variety or a kiss is getting too wet or something, I move to the corner of his mouth and continue up- kiss his temple, his forehead, cheeks... my guy loves it when I gently press my lips against his eyelids, it's really sexy. And when I want to lighten up the moment I kiss him on the tip of his nose, it always makes him smile or laugh a little and he always does it back.

*Eskimo kiss- Rub your nose against his.

*Butterfly kiss- Press your cheek against his, and flutter your eyelashes against him.

*When you're french kissing, suck on his lower lip. Gently nibble on it and pull away a little.

*Be creative with your hands-

Some places I like to put them:

~Around his neck

~Running hands through his hair

~One hand lightly on the side of his face, by the curve of his jaw

~One hand on his chest, the other around his neck

~If you're the one going in for it, both hands on the back of his head

Tease kisses:

*Start as if you're going to go in for the kiss, and then pull away as he goes for it. Keep doing this until the intensity builds, and kiss him hard on the lips.

*Kiss him everywhere but the lips- neck, face, ears, whatever. Make a trail of kisses towards his mouth, but don't kiss him- move away again. If you do it right, he should eventually grab you and pull you into a kiss himself. ^.^

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  • 1 month later...

a couple choices. nibble/suck on his lower lip for a second before going back to tongue, drives most guys crazy, they love it! obvious places to plant little kisses during breaks are the neck, shoulders, earlobes... but one that gets 'em every time is their eyebrow. you don't have to spend a lot of time up there, but its unexpected. something i do is start with his eyebrow, then between his eyebrows, then kiss my way down the bridge of his nose, and then completely skipping over his mouth you kiss his chin and then follow his jawline to his earlobes. trust me, its awesome.

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Another thing that I just recently tried (and was amazing for both of us, he LOVED IT) is a thing my friend calls "take my breath away"


when youre in the middle of a really deep french kiss and both of you are forced to breath through your noses, pay attention to his breathing. time it so you both breath in at the same time, then, with your mouth sealed over his, breath in through your mouth at the same time as he breathes through his nose. it leaves him a little light headed and he'll be wondering where you learned that... it helps to top it off with a couple of little kisses on his forehead or nose while he catches his breath and comes back from the little high you sent him on


the first time you do it, either give him no warning, or tell him you want to try something but dont tell him what (depending on the guy the latter might be best so you dont scare him when you do it) before you start to kiss him. after that he'll be begging for more! and if he likes that one, theres also a really romantic one thats good for wrapping things up after a hot makeout session when you just want to cuddle... lips sealed around his (or vice versa) you breath in as he breathes out, and he breathes in as you breath out for a few breaths. its very intimite, breathing eachothers air. and if youre a good multitasker, its a good time to add a little slow, circling tongue movement

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nibble on his ear..i use to love it when my ex did that to me... she was a great kisser. I was getting uncomfortable when she was kissing my neck because when ever she use to start kissing my neck it would end up being a hickey.. she loved to suck...on my nec that is.

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What do I like?

When she kisses me in the ear, or even licks it, when she kisses al my head, like my neck, chik, everything.

I also like it when she goes down the shoulders to the arms, or to the chest...

And what hannahleh said also, about:

*Start as if you're going to go in for the kiss, and then pull away as he goes for it. Keep doing this until the intensity builds, and kiss him hard on the lips

Thats really nice... And also, osmetimes I open my eyes and see her with a beautiful and cute smile...

And the other day, I was with my eyes closed, and she was just near me, and I didnt feel her coming closing in, until I felt her kissing my lips.....

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