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I find it weird that a girl would want you to call her to remind her of your date with her tonight. Kind of like she is too busy to remember that she has a date with you. I would be put off by that. If I set up a date with a guy, I dont usually forget about the date since I would look forward to it.


Otherwise, LostInMyThoughts is right on, there.

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This is a very common situation and is a two headed mosnter when it arises. Either one or both of these is happening when a girl says something like this. Either she is just keeping you as a back up plan for the night in question in case she can't find anything better to do, or she is testing to see how desperate you are by checking your reaction to what she said. In either case, your reaction is the same. Just tell her that you're not interested in setting something up if she's not for real about it.


But for this time, give her a ring and "remind" her. Don't be surprised if she flakes out though.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well if I had a date (lol) and needed to be reminded of it (far and few inbetween) I'd write it on my calander handheld or paper which ever! If I asked someone out and they told me to call and remind them first thing to mind would be see ya...there's plenty of fish out there with better memories to boot sorry this is my opinion but what do I know I wouldn't be here if I did

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