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need help picking a career

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I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a career for me, I suck at math, is there any careers that you think I will enjoy that doesn't have a lot of math...


Im going to be putting myself through Community College but I havn't a clue in which courses I will be taking.. I have been thinking about taking

general studies, but it does require me to take silly math...grr


It means a lot to me for yall to read this and respond!


Thanks bunches


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I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a career for me, I suck at math, is there any careers that you think I will enjoy that doesn't have a lot of math...


Im going to be putting myself through Community College but I havn't a clue in which courses I will be taking.. I have been thinking about taking

general studies, but it does require me to take silly math...grr


It means a lot to me for yall to read this and respond!


Thanks bunches



It's okay that you suck at math; just know that I suck even more at math than you.


Sometimes we have to struggle through things in order to get the best outcome. I think this is the case. Most jobs now a days require some proficiency in math. But a career that is heavy in math, and a course-load that contains math can be two different things.


What I'm getting at is, most degree programs will require you to take *some* math, at least one year, because it will make you more well-rounded, but you don't have to go into a career that is math-oriented.


For instance, being a Nurse requires a lot of math coursework, but you don't necessarily have to do a lot of challenging math in your day-to-day jobs (like say L-U Decomposition to solve Ax=b).


So, try to figure out a career you would enjoy doing. Obviously there are careers that are completely math oriented, and so you should stay away fromthem because you wouldn't enjoy ti. But other careers, like being a Vet, or Business, etc, require math classes, but aren't math focused.


I hope i've made some sense.

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In my case I am terrible at spelling, I can write up well reasoned discussions or arguments but I fall down when it comes to small typos or careless spelling mistakes.

I have a solid ability with maths though and can pick up most things quickly so I manage to scrape though.

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I was a T.A. for marketing, it looks easy. From my perspective, but

I never was an actual student, you have to go through an interveiw

before being able to get in marketing/business....


I was a T.A. Because I dropped aims math class ...I almost didn't reach standards, thank goodness I did.


If I were to be a vet, you have to put asleep animals, thats a no no for me. On the other hand I do love animals...


Rainbow vacuum sales woman, I have never heard of that, what do they do?


I love writing, but I am not as good of a writer as I use to be. I thought about broadcast jornalism, but I'm afraid that it might require wayy too much writing.


Yall, Im still a little bit lost...please help me!!

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I would look into your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, and what types of classes you like for answers. If you enjoy marketing I would go towards business or maybe even advertising. I would say by taking a wide range of classes you should find something you enjoy.

As far as work enviornments go, do you like to work indoors or outdoors, do you like office work or working with machines, do you like working with people or things? These are a few questions to get you started.

I would also suggest doing a google search for the Myer-Briggs test and seeing a career counselor at your school if possible.

The website link removed are helpful, as is link removed

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There is nothing wrong with not knowing what you want to do at your age. Most people don't. After high school i went to community college and took alot of random classes as a liberal studies major. It took me 2 years at my community college before i really figured out what it was i wanted to do.


So my advice is don't put to much pressure on yourself. Just take a wide variety of classes at your community college and you will most likely find something you really like. Just try not to wait 2 years like i did

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I was going to suggest maths before I finished reading OP's post ^__^. I am in the second year of my university degree and still have no idea what kind of job I want to get (I am doing a maths degree). Maybe research. Anyway you have plenty of time to figure out where you fit in the world, and if the first direct you take your career doesn't work there's plenty of time to turn around and go somewhere else.

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those sites would be helpful if I could answer

the question about what schools I applied to.

the answer is none, I don't know the first step.

it seems like everyone is so set, but by reading

these responses, it appears I was wrong. And

that makes me feel a little bit better.


I still have no clue what classes I am going to

take, but from what Byate said, it makes me

feel better knowing that I can take a bunch

of different classes until I find one that fits

what Id like to do for the rest of my life.


Thank you for the reassurace, what happens

if I fail one of those classes or worse..even

after taking the variety of classes that I still

do not know what I want to pursue in? I would

of wasted off of that time and effort just to

find out I still have no future...this scares me!!

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