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Lately I have been feeling very strange. Nothing really is as exciting anymore, now the world seems like such a generic place without any surprises or anything special in it. Not only this but now I dont really think much about myself. Im a lot less shy now for some reason and this really started when I started drinking and smoking pot a lot. Now I dont see anything good in myself really, I just see myself as another normal human being and I cant place why. It almost seems like this could just be myself maturing yet it also seems that when I smoke a lot of pot, these whole feelings itensify and then go back down to a smaller range after a few days or so. Let me give you an example I am a metalhead and a while ago, I used be totally into it, I loved it and everything else I hated and would live and die for those bands. I dont really care about that anymore, I dont care about getting big by playing guitar etc or how my long hair looks etc, I really couldnt give a * * * * now. I guess this could be pot or do you think its maturing. Well in any case if someone could tell me what it is, I would be very greatful and just maybe get my life in order. Thankyou.

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i dont know if its pot. it could have an affect. i smoked pot for about a year when i was 13 or 14 and i got so depressed. all it did was make me think negatively adn hate my life. im not sure if its pot thats affecting you, but it is a good possibility.

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Hi there,


I am going to say it can be a combination of the three, smoking weed, drinking, and growing pains. Smoking pot chronically can make a person lazy, lethargic and bring forth atrophy. Alcohol is a depressant, so if you are already feeling down on yourself now, the booze can really reek havoc on your brain chemistry.


Growing up can make a person feel threatened, scared, down, and so forth. It can be intimating to think about one's future and where it is heading. I can get discouraging when friends seem to be doing better, getting what they want, and at times it seems others are lucky.


It would be a good idea to lay off the booze and the pot. Perhaps turn to friends and family for support. And maybe talk to a guidence counselor at school about how you are feeling at the moment and what your plans are for the future. There is tons of support out there, you just have to know where to look. Good luck and take care.

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Most of what i would say has already been done so but i'll emphasise that pot isn't at all a safe or soft drug, especially at a young age. It mucks around with your brain chemistry big time, why do you think most hardcore stoners are flat, idle zombies that have little exitement and personality about them, even when off pot for a while.


Cut the bad stuff out of your life, get rid of the pot altogether and cut back on drinking. Figure out what you want out of life (no matter how rediculous the goals may seem) and see what you can do to get toward them. Take a break from your usual hobbies (eg: metal) and try something new, it may not work out but when you go back to your old hobbies you'll appreciate them much more. Finally, get out and do some exercise - healthy body, healthy mind etc..


Its not an overnight fix but given time you will be feeling better. Good luck mate

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I agree with the others. I spent a few years smoking a lot of pot, partying. And hey - I was very much into progressive rock/metal. After a steady diet of pot; I started listening to raggae and folk. lol. Pot mellows you out.


Pot and booze can so easily become a crutch: especially at times when we are growing big time as individuals. You're at a time when so much will be changing in your life. It's confusing, hard...but can also be very exciting.


It's not a nice life once one gets to the point where they wake up and right away think 'let's smoke'. I was tired all the time, I dropped a lot of my favorite activities bc I just didn't care ('Heey, I could do that, or I could stay here with you guys and make food.").


The others gave lots of good suggestions for ways to cope/make the transition from boy to man. 'Cause that's where you're at! You're turning into a man, my friend. You don't need pot booze: it'll bring ya down.


take care

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Pot, just like alcohol and other softer drugs can be really bad for you if you are not mentally/emotionally stable. My brother, who is 37 years old is making nearly half a million a year and still smokes pot occasionally, but he is not constantly getting high.


Being a pot head is no better than being an alcoholic. If you drink once or twice a week it won't create many problems for you. Pot's the same way. If you are smoking every day, than you are smoking too much. Pot makes you lazy and unmotivated because the only thing you want to do is smoke pot... not because it messes with your brain. The good news is pot is NOT addictive. I found out that I was smoking too much pot about a year ago. I was smoking a lot every night before I went to sleep and it started to make me paranoid and upset, but I was able to stop cold turkey the day that I decided to with no withdrawals or anything like that.


Just do it in moderation. That's the key. It's not the evil drug it's made out to be, just don't over do it, that's all.

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I'd just like to add: yes, I agree, pot is not 'evil'. Some can smoke it in moderation, as a 'treat'.


Though it is not addictive physically, I believe it can become addictive pyschologically. And that can be way more difficult to beat. Like I said earlier: it can become a crutch, an easy answer to life's problems.


With tobacco, it is physically addicting, but anyone who has tried many times to quit knows that though the physical withdrawls aren't fun: the pyschological addiction is the more difficult part to beat. Months and years after the physical addiction is beat: lots of people slip back and begin smoking again.


Pot, like cigarettes, has a lot of rituals associated with it. Rolling the joint, passing it around, getting the bong ready, going out on runs, social circles and bonds, munchies, etc. etc.


I say all this 'cause 17 is not the best time to attempt to be a moderate pot smoker. You're better off just getting it out of your life now.


ok cheers

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I disagree. Any drug is addictive. You may not go through withdrawl symptoms like with crack but its more of a lifestyle problem, and that is easily addictive eg: hanging with the same group that still smokes weed, missing the times you had, music you listen to all that stuff- its a total experience. It would be hard to take weed out of the mix and still enjoy the same activities to the same degree.


For the same reason social smoking of cigarettes can be hard to kick. Many aren't addicted to nicoteine but still 'enjoy' them while they're out on the town every other week.

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You're both right, but you're actually agreeing with me. The psychological part is wanting to smoke everyday... it's the ritual that you were talking about it'sallgrand.


If you have trouble getting out of the "tradition" of smoking pot you just have to find other fun things to do. It really doesn't take a lot of will power, but it helps to find something constructive to replace it with, otherwise you're gonna have a lot of time and nothing to do with it, and you'll go right back to smoking pot.

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It's alcohol most likely and not pot. All the people I know who smoke are upbeat, fun to be around people that use to to calm down and relax. I suppose if you smoke once every single day or more then once a day, then it could be bringing you down. But if you smoke a few times a week or less, than it shouldn't be anything to worry about. It also depends on how often your drinking and how much alcohol your drinking. Could you answer those questions and maybe I could help you more?

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Get off the doobies' date=' get off the sauce, and cut your hair. You will be fine.[/quote'] While I agree with you on the first two your last advice on cutting my hair is simply ridiculous. First off il just let everyone know that I have turned back to my old ways, life having meanings and having strong emotions again. So now I love my long hair again. When you think about it, the only reason that I said anything about my long hair was due to the fact that I must be extremely depressed which would obviously make me weary of anything of mine. Still on topic, my hair is amazing, I am being myself by growing it long since I am not conforming to an idiotic society that I dont find interesting or want to be part of. Second of all long hair still looks much better on guys and girls for that matter. It makes them look more manly and more badass infact and even the main icon of christianity had long hair, yet without his long hair he wouldnt have been memorable or as unique looking as he was, would he? Its just really sad that from your small one line advice your telling someone to change their ways just since you are part of a normal society which is filled with intolerance and indifference. I guess though this is what separates us all in this world.
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It's alcohol most likely and not pot. All the people I know who smoke are upbeat, fun to be around people that use to to calm down and relax. I suppose if you smoke once every single day or more then once a day, then it could be bringing you down. But if you smoke a few times a week or less, than it shouldn't be anything to worry about. It also depends on how often your drinking and how much alcohol your drinking. Could you answer those questions and maybe I could help you more?

At the time I was posting I was drinking every friday and saturday and getting pretty drunk possibly quite a bit of vodka or around 5 beers (remember I am a lightweight).

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So are you still smoking? How often/how much? Are you still drinking that same amount? I remember when I used to be able to stomach getting drunk weekly, every friday and saturday nights, the rest of the week I felt like crap (I overdid it all last summer and last fall, getting drunk every other day and now my stomach can barely handle getting drunk once a month).

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