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He wants to oppologize in private..im 15, hes 35 :(

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Everything started last summer, I was camping with My moms friend, her kids, her friend and her kids, it was all fun and stuff, anyhow, her Friend's boyfriend James he's 35, and we were on the other side of the road at the park, at the camp ground. and He and I were watching all 4 kids playing around at the park, and James was playing kinda tag, or whatever, so I was going along, and I was standing on a birdge part or the park structure, and It was like a bunch of wholes everywhere on what I was standing so basically if u were standing under it u could look up and see the sky clearly. So I was standing there, and James comes by standin under it, I guess waiting for me to get down so he can tag me. And I was wearing a skirt..and he was looking up it...he wasnt moving, he was just looking, so I noticed that and I walked off the bridge, and I said Im going back, and I went back to the camp site where My moms friend was and her friend, and I didnt bother saying anything about it. I just kinda let it go. that was a year ago. Now this year, everything has fallin apart! It started again..not only the looking, but the saying and touching.Well, every time I saw him he would always be looking at me, and we were in the kitchen, and Kevin (my moms friend's boyfriend) was int eh basement so It was just us and 4 other kids, the kids were in the living room, so James *wishpers* to me "You know, your very beautuful" and "you look really good with your hair down" but if he didnt mean anything accept a compliment, why did he whisper it and hide it? so I was getting uncomforatble, so I went into the living room and I sat down with a book while the kids watched a movie, then James comes over and sits beside me, its a love couch so there is only room for the 2 of us, so were sitting there, and he sais to me "stretch your leg out" and Im like "what?" so I stretch it out, and hes like "no no, stretch it out over my legs" so I wasnt sure what he was going to do, but I didnt think of it much, and so I did, and he started massaging my foot, and It was very weird, and I didnt wanna say stop cause that would have been rude, and I wasnt sure he ment anything by it, but then, there were points were his hand was just resting on my foot, and he had out his hand in my sock..so I was a little weird, and then Kevin comes in the front door from having a cigarette outside, and he pushes my leg off his legs all worried and all, so If he didnt MEAN anything by it, why was he trying to hide it? so I told Nancy how I was feeling about him, and she got all worried, now were al good friends with Diane (james's g/f) and I didnt wanna tell her, but I had to becuase she was marring him! and so I told her, and she was reaking out so she took him for a walk the day after, or whatever and talked to him, and he said he just thought I was a great girl and all, and was being nice, and he wants to oppologize to me in private, but I dont want to , I dont even wanna see him, I feel so weird and I dont like being around him...and whever we go to the beach everyone, nancy and her kids and james, and stuff, he was always going in the water and grabbing me to throw me in the water and stuff, but he would grab me and pick me up in not good places (breasts) so it was weird. anyhow, I dont know what to do, he wants to oppologize..but I wont be able to be around him!




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Okay, sweetie...i don't know if you know it...but this guy is to put it in kindergarten terms "good touch bad touch" You should tell someone what he is doing! An adult...what he is doing is WRONG! if he is dating someone...he shouldn't be touching you and also he is 20 years older. It is wrong. I think he may have a thing for younger women. If it makes you feel uncomfortable tell him to STOP! If he doesn't then tell someone.


You don't have to endure anything that makes you uncomfortable.


And don't let him apologize in private.


He might try something! do it some place public where there is people to see you two. But he doesn't have to speak loudly...just loud enough for ou to hear.


I hope this helps hon!


good luck!



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You need to make your mom aware of this person's sick behavior. Your mom isn't aware of this man's advances towards you. Tell her about the touching in the water. If she gives you grief, tell her you are concerned about your safety if you must live with this man. Next time he pulls this crap, tell him to back off. No matter how innocent it seems--he's doing this because you are innocent enough and he knows HE CAN. Don't let him massage your feet, don't let him do anything. Tell your mother everything. If you have a dad, go live with him if your mother decides to marry him. Don't be ashamed, you've done nothing wrong, you're just being manipulated. Please be strong and stand your ground. You need to make sure you don't live with this man and that you don't tolerate his advances. He's sick if he's attracted to a 15 year old, that's it. He's totally screwed in the head. There's nothing wrong with you at all. Please don't be ashamed ever and just realize there is something wrong with this kook. Get yourself emancipated if your mom is too weak to call off the wedding to a pedophile, because that's what he is. Don't get around him alone. Tell him you will call the cops if he bothers you. DO NOT TOLERATE this from him, if you do, he will bother you more. If he apologizes, tell him you're gonna call the cops if he does it again.

God bless,


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Go to your mom. Or, go to the police.


That man is sick, and it can only get worse.


MOST IMPORTANTLY, do whatever you have to do to remove yourself from that dangerous situation. If you can tell your mom, do so. Then go to the police.

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As I told you before and as they are telling you now, this man is sick. Everytime I read the little things he's done, it's just plain nasty. It would be smart that the next time he does this to say something to him like "don't touch me" and be stern. If you stay quiet, it's just easier for him to do things that will make you uncomfortable and its unpredictible what this guy might do if you guys are private.


So take our advice, and even though you already told me that your mom has no idea of this situation, I still think you should let her know...how uncomfortable he makes you feel...


eew and the fact that he looked up your skirt! Think about it...this is not normal behavior for a 35 year old man about to get married.

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How did he get in touch with you to tell you he wanted to apologize in private. I am going to say this but do not take it the wrong way. You have to be smarter than that. You tell him that you do not want to meet him in private or set it up where you can have it taped or something or people really watching just in case. He may have done this to other children. It is very important to tell someone because your mothers friend has kids and you dont want something to happen to them. People are sometimes blinded by what they think people should be like instead of seeing how they really are. Please tell your mother what is the worst that could happen or tell her you do not want to spend time with them when they hang out with him. Good Luck and I am here for you if you need anything

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I agree with winky, if you feel comfortable enough; agree to meet him where it's just the two of you, but in a public place where he cant hurt you. Go in with some sort of taperecording device hidden and get him to admit what he's done. You'll be doing your friend a big favor that's about to marry this pedophile, and potentially preventing other children from being hurt.

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sweetie, that you posted in this forum shows that you already know what it is he is doing. he is not a friend. what he does is wrong. go tell your mom or whoever you trust, maybe a teacher. do not meet him again. tell him no.

best wishes

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if you are still viewing or not, but you may want to pay attention to see if he is handling the other kids this way. It is quite possible for him to be a child molester, and since you know his intentions are a bit twisted, just keep an eye out.


Don't take any stupid answers like "I was just kidding around, or just trying to be nice...." None of that to make you feel like you don't know what is happening. You know exactly what is happening and so does he, so don't let him make you feel stupid.



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  • 4 weeks later...

He has a sickness.....yes, blame him, but hes not the psychotic child molester everyone says he is. Yes, he definitely needs help and he should NOT be around the other kids. Its best to tell your parents even though it is hard. Remember, youre doing this for more reasons than your own. He needs help so make him realize it.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

truthfully do not trust him..... this may lead to further things such as rape, also make sure your not with him alone... and if u ware make sure its where your friends or family can see you.... no one has any right to do that to anyone... truthfully i wouldnt trust him.... and im sure he wasnt meaning to be complimentive about but he was just being horny, and a perv.... all i know is he needs tog et over himself and needs to stop harassing yourself... and im here if u need to talk more

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