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I can't stand you, Dan


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I can't stand knowing you're still out there

After everything that's happened

I still can't seem to see

What's keeping us from being you and me

So long ago seems all of it

Yet you found my door once more

My feelings are hallow, I'm scared of everything


Not a hallucination

You are really there in my mind

I miss how we cuddled

And played mischievelously all the time

Something just about you

We just keep hurting each other

Something about me too

I'm always talking to you


And I"m always talking to you

As it's killing me inside

I want to wring your neck

I want this love to die

But there is

A bond so strong

That is can't keep us

From carrying on

And though I know

You are so far away

I bet you didn't know

I still think of you everyday


Cuz I still stand you

Though I don 't even want to try

I want to leave it

your frozen love behind

Because you don't even want me

You've already proven that

And all I am now is angry

You're gone and that's a fact.


Can I win you back?

So long so subltly I tried

You changed me in ways

Ways from others that wont hide

I'm messy, everywhere, full of love

Just cant care

About anything alse but you

I guess that's what heartbreak

Has put me through.


I can't stand this

Though I've tried

You are always

In me



I can't even write

It's all haunting me

You just could melt me

Nobody else can beat

What's between you

And me.

They've tried

They've faltered

You still thrive

It's always

It's never

In my life.


Daydreams and nightmares

When will they fade away

Of all the things that's scaring me

The worst has yet to go away...

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