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Why does it hurt so bad to lose something you never had?

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Hey Guys,


I don't really know what i'm expecting from posting this, i'm just very low today. My period is 5 days late, so i did two pregnacy tests this morning both completely negative. I have been having period style cramps and still craving chocolate as usual, i've even come out in a few spots as i do every month. I didn't have unprotected sex last month, that said i know its always a possiblity to get pregnant whilst using comdoms.

I have been training for the race for life and its far more excercise than i normally do so my best friend suggested this could be what caused the late period.

I am just kinda sad i'm not pregnant, i had convinced myself at 5 days late i must be and even though my situation is completely un ideal, i only work part time and my partner and i haven't been together very long at all, i was almost hoping i was....does that make me sound stupid?


I know it was a stupidly selfish wish, but i felt like mayb i had a little life growing inside me and now that feeling is gone, i know i'm being silly, i know women who lose babies must be in such terrible awful pain and i'm whinging about something that was never there,

I'm sorry i'm just a bit down

Sugar xxxx

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You aren't crazy. A lot of us can't wait til we can have children. But you have to think about that baby. Would it be fair to bring a child into your life yet? Why not wait until you can provide a better life for another human?


Changing your lifestyle can effect your period. If you have been doing a whole lot of exercise lately, that is probably the reason you are late.


I would suggest waiting a couple more days. If you still don't get your period, call your doctor.

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This reminds me of the episode of Friends when Rachel finds out she's pregnant, but Phoebe tells her she's not first just to find out how she really feels. It's pretty funny.


Please don't think I'm laughing at your situation. I've struggled with infertility and the loss of a pregnancy. I know what it's like to want a little baby inside you so badly that you can just feel it, and start imagining what it'd be like, only to be let down.


It'll happen one day for you, and it'll be during a good time, and you'll be so happy. One missed period is not really that big a deal. Your friend is right, all the extra exercise might be causing it. If you start to have any kind of one-sided pain or you have a constant spot that doesn't go away after a week, definitely call your doctor. Or, if you need to put your mind at ease, call him/her now.


And good for you for running the Race for Life. We need more people like you!

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I know what you mean by feeling that way, I have had ALOT of trouble getting pregnant and before this one I had a late miscarrige, I know that let down feeling.

dont feel silly, its ok that you feel that way and that you are intune with your feelings.

i am proud that you are running the race! that rocks

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