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Hi. Well i left school on Friday so sad! I now have to enter into the big world of work! Scary lol.


Well i have a job interview tomorrow.Well, it's more of a testing session. It's at a law firm to be a trainee legal secretary.


For this testing session I have to do the follwing:

  • A verbal reasoning exercise (i hate public speaking, i go bright red and never know what to say!)
  • A text checking exercise (i'll be fine with that)
  • A numerical computation exercise (anything to do with numbers..i'm bad! I've done a test on the website that they provided for example questions and they were SOO hard i could not do any of them so i'm really worried about this bit!)
  • A copy text exercise (that's fine)
  • A word processing/audio exercise (fine also)

I'm really not looking forward to this because of the verbal and numerical bits. I'm really bad at them. I feel like, if i go to this testing session i will * * * * everything up and feel really bad and down.


Should i go? I know, it's a good opportunity (and £6.25 per hour if i get the job!) but i know i'm gonna fail on these bits. I'm so scared and worried and nervous and i'll be on my own with people i don't know who are probably cleverer than me and more confident!


Someone give me words of wisdom and encourage me to go PLEASE!!

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As far as I know, verbal reasoning has to do with the way you contrue texts, which is important when you are a secretary, esp. in law. Verbal reasoning has nothing to do with public speaking. It has to do with the way you build up your argumentation verbally (in text or spoken). I think you are not required to have an ACTIVE skill for this as a secretary, but a passive one. I.e., you will probably have to understand the reasoning of law text, letters that come from the company, etc.


Don't worry too much. It's a trainee position, so you are not expected to have a developed skill, you just need to show them that you're the potential they are looking for!


Keep us posted and good luck!



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