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if your here posting about trust issues follow your gut

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first and foremost i would like to say i have moved from the healing after break up section to here becasue of my own jealousy issues with my ex. well teh bottom line is this ..if you are here then your gut is telling you to watch your back..and if thats the case..i have been in major relationships and never had to worry about people cheating on me..becasue i felt the love and the security...my last ex though..(the one that i loved to death and would of moved mountains for) .i just did not feel that love there..lots of male friends every were, calling hanging out, i mean i was very secure, but towards the end it just started breaking me down..till one day i calle dher twice with my phone, no answer then with a restricted number she answers, i hang up call with my phone number no answer, call with a restricted she answers.(i even gave her the benefit of the doubt by calling her twice, to make 100%sure she was avoiding me)..i mean how stupid can you be right,,,she calls me back and i was like i called you twice she was like oh i probably did not hear it cause my phone was in my bag i just finished eating dinner with my dad....well you can tell what happened after that..the trust was completely destroyed and 4 weeks later we were done...if you feel it in your gut then something is up..and even though she might have not been cheating , that restricted number was more important than me..and that is not cool!!

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