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Do you think your aura has anything to do with attracting people?

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I am not sure if I believe in "auras" persae but I believe your overall demenor and how you present yourself attracts people. Also, the kinds of people you surround yourself with can play a part as well.


Ah she always beats me to the punch!


Yeah how you carry yourself definitely has everything to do with how people percieve you. Its the main part of "physical" attraction. It why some people have better luck than other attracting potential dates. It the clue to others as to how your personality is. You do however need to back your "aura" with the personality to match or you will come off as false. And at the end of the day it doesnt take long for someone to realize you are a sham and no self repecting person will stay with someone who doesnt have the personality.

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Ah she always beats me to the punch!


hey, that's plagiarism! i specifically remember saying the same thing about you.


Sky, did you mean aura as in New Age spiritual silliness or as in the way that you represent yourself? my answer would "no such thing" to the first and "always" to the second. in fact, maybe you are projecting those feelings of not being lucky with men to the guys you meet.

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lol your all knocking people who believe in someone having an aura? is that necessary?

An aura is a personality, but its the way of noticing someone has a beatiful personality by the way they present themselves yeah, which gives them a cetain glow, thats what i believe

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I worked in a night club once, and 1 night a guy came over and told me i had a beautiful aura and that he just had to speak to me.
my response would have been, "honestly, that has got to be the cheesiest pickup line i've ever heard." no offense, Grrr, but if i were a cynical guy i would use that one myself, because it's a sure way of quickly identifying an easy target who would believe anything that came out of my mouth.


a lot of women probably thought Ted Bundy had a 'beautiful aura'--that is, until he strangled them to death...


a person's true personality does not shine outside of his or her body. people may 'project' certain things about themselves by the way they dress, talk, etc., but those things can be misleading, even deliberately so, and they are never a guaranteed reflection of what is hidden in the heart.


sky, someone who is perceptive can tell if you are unhappy or lack self-confidence but only by talking to you first, unless you are literally crying in your beer. there is no reason to believe that the next guy you meet won't think you're a wonderful girl unless you give him signs that you don't believe it yourself. you're still very young, and i would bet piles of money that some time in the near future you will hook it up with somebody that thinks you're 'all that'.

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[i would bet piles of money that some time in the near future you will hook it up with somebody that thinks you're 'all that'.


Thank you slightlybent hope so soon. I'm always open to people and always myself too. But it doean't get me anywhere.

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Ross everyone has a aura. You look like a lovely guy and i'm sure your a sweet guy. I always felt that people can pick up on negative or positive feeling to other people.


I must have the wrong kind of aura then. Thanks for the compliments anyway.

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Ross, if by "wrong kind of aura" you mean a negative self-image, then you may be right... but it's not necessarily something you're stuck with. if that's you in the avatar then you look a lot like my 18-year old son who had a really cute girlfriend before he went overseas, and the last i heard they were still corresponding regularly.

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Ross, if by "wrong kind of aura" you mean a negative self-image, then you may be right... but it's not necessarily something you're stuck with. if that's you in the avatar then you look a lot like my 18-year old son who had a really cute girlfriend before he went overseas, and the last i heard they were still corresponding regularly.


I can't have a negative self image, I do actually really like how I look in the mirror.


When I see myself in the mirror, I think I should be able to get an attractive girl. Yet throughout the whole of my life no girl has ever acted interested in me, but there's been plenty who've acted as though they thought I was ugly or whatever.

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I do actually really like how I look in the mirror.
that's good, but if you suspect that there is some reason that girls won't like you, then they can pick up on that and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. sometimes that's even the only problem, and all that needs to be done is to radiate a little confidence, whether you feel it inside or not. know what i mean?


sky, this could apply to you as well.

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I know it is. Think i have that problem too


Plus I wouldn't really know what to say after that anyway, lol.


that's good, but if you suspect that there is some reason that girls won't like you, then they can pick up on that and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. sometimes that's even the only problem, and all that needs to be done is to radiate a little confidence, whether you feel it inside or not. know what i mean?


sky, this could apply to you as well.


Well I know ages ago I used to think that I'd be capable of attracting attractive girls, maybe I didn't really 'feel' it though and it was just more like logical thinking. Know what I mean?

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