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The Issue of Euthanasia

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But if you want to wallow in your own self-pity instead of facing up to the problems your life, your emotions and thoughts, and dwell on some girl who dumped you instead of facing what's happened, dealing with it and getting over it through help or your own 'inner work', then carry on....... Play the victim if it makes you feel better.



my sentiments exactly,stop looking to someone else to give your life value,throughout your life people are going to leave you,hurt you,ignore you,reject you,love you,dislike you nobody in this universe is spared that.


It's what you do afterwards that will determine your wisdom and strength to comprehend/conquer it,its always much easier to sit at look at all that you have lost than to try and find ways to rebuild and value what you have or can gain by this experience.



"We are not meant to live alone, be alone all day. We need each other as much as we need air and water - to be denied this sense of community is as deadly as thirst or hunger - not a quick death but a slow one."


This community is living proof of that interdependance and its now your choice whether or not to value the advice/help being offered to you or to continue on a path of self destruction.

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People are ALWAYS going to find ways to kill themselves when they want it badly enough. Making painless suicide methods available to anyone is the ethical thing to do.


I'm mighty sick of nasty Christian fundamentalists pushing their idea of "sanctity of life" down everyone's throat, and I'm equally sick of psychiatrists pushing their ideas about "depression" with the same amount of force. Both groups need to back off and let people live their lives and die the way they want to, because there are other points of view out there.


If I have kids, I am never letting them near a psychiatrist or a priest.

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People are ALWAYS going to find ways to kill themselves when they want it badly enough. Making painless suicide methods available to anyone is the ethical thing to do.



I absolutey disagree. Any fool can jump off a cliff or stand infront of a train, but it takes a wise strong (wo)man guts to stay alive.


P.S. When you DO become a parent of a suicidal child... You will worry and love them so much that YOU will pray to God and seek help from the pyschiatrist to save them.

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Don't want to sound controversial but I would like to get my view on this accross, for my own peace of mind.


Honestly, I think people should be allowed the right to end their own existence if they lose all hope; because if you don't have that, you can't achieve anything.


So many people who choose to kill themselves only do so because they can't find a way out of their maze of problems; problems that can be solved. Maybe that is hypocritical of me, since I can't find my way out either and have certainly considered this as a solution in the past.


The thing is (though it may just be my perspective) there are some people who just can't find any (non-fleeting) joy in this world, and if you don't have that, what do you have? People who end up feeling nothing but jealousy, pain and sorrow. It isn't possible for some people to improve the hand they're dealt, so why continue to play?


Of course I'd never suggest anyone actually do the deed; virtually everyone has a shot at success in the world, even if it is bringing a little happiness to just one person. Not that I'd know.


Life is precious. But for a few, life is inescapable pain, and they should have a right to quell that pain.

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P.S. When you DO become a parent of a suicidal child... You will worry and love them so much that YOU will pray to God and seek help from the pyschiatrist to save them.


I won't be doing any praying. Prayer doesn't work. It's something that very small people invented so that they could feel like they have more power over the world than they actually do. Even if I knew I was about to be murdered, I would not pray. You can hold me to that if you like.


Psychiatrists are dangerous because the ethical framework within which they operate is utterly detached from reality, yet they consider it infallible and they answer to no one but each other. Psychiatry is not a science. There is no OBJECTIVE way to measure mental illness. If a psychiatrist commits you against your will, it's not because you're ill, it's because he thinks you're ill, and he has the power. As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Of all the people I know who have been processed by the mental health care establishment, not a single one came out "less depressed" or "less obsessive-compulsive" or whatever. Furthermore, most experienced abuse of one kind or another at the hands of the staff, ranging from sexual abuse to robbery to religious prosletyzing to forced druggings.


But, doctor knows best, I suppose...

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Think long and hard before you push your 'no-hope' thoughts on a suicide forum and the consequences of your actions, even if you do believe in them.

Do you honestly think that people reach out to others on here to be told," Oh yeah, that's bad man, there's no hope for you, you may as well just **** off and die?".


The issue here is Euthanaisa for emotional problems and emotional pain caused by depression which as I have already stated is NOT terminal illness and should not be treated like it is.


To those who find no hope or help in God's existence or in pyschiatrists, then look inside yourself, find the inner strength from within, find support and help from family and friends, from us. Never, never give up hope of finding the way out.There is ALWAYS a way out. It is never, never too late to forgive yourself, to forgive others and face that pain.

There are many of us who have been in your position and felt that same pain even if it does seem unique to you at this time, and we HAVE overcome similar problems and that very pain that you cannot bear any longer and it's why we share our thoughts and give support to you, we can help you move towards a better life, show you how to find relief from inner torment so you can live a happy life once more if you let us. You are not alone.

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I doubt you will find any peace of mind from thinking that because people who feel like that need help and support to get through that not a chair and a piece of rope.


Sadly in this world the latter is much more available than the former. You are right of course; I don't find any peace of mind in saying what I did, that was a poor choice of words. I wanted to get my opinion down in writing. I didn't intend to offend.

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I never said there was "no hope", I merely said that looking for outside help from certain people is not the answer.


The best way to deal with depression is to get lots of exercise, eat right, stay in touch with the natural world, and if someone tries to push you around, PUSH BACK AS HARD AS YOU CAN. I may not have a PhD, but I have experience, and this is what experience has taught me.

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I won't be doing any praying. Prayer doesn't work. It's something that very small people invented so that they could feel like they have more power over the world than they actually do. Even if I knew I was about to be murdered, I would not pray. You can hold me to that if you like.


You're right and I know you're right but at the same time I would do anything to be like one of those people who believe in prayer - no matter how foolish they actually are because to them ignorance seems to bring bliss and I would love to have that kind of bliss in my life (False or not). There's no god, no plan, and this is it. If a soul can be evolved (the bible says animals have no soul), then it definitely is not achieved simply by being smarter than everything else on the planet and having the technology to destroy the world. It makes you powerful but not devine creation. Religion is a product of human arrogance and fear but it's prevalence and its longevity indicate that it is serving a practical purpose for most - it allows them to keep their sanity with a brain that can contemplate the inevitability of death. Perhaps it is actually a handicap on my part to have intellectually moved beyond it - an evolutionary dead end expressed in me.

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Prayer is more than just a mystical tool for communicasm to the heavens. It requires focused thought and peace of mind at our own situation- a higher step from meditation. If you don't believe in the spiritual aspects of its aid, see the scientific ones.


Religion is not all "about our OWN power" type of ideal. Religion is a basis for spiritual stepping stones to take when man cannot recognize them in his own in life. Reading all of this, I see all the knowledge you lack and that is sad. More later.

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I consider it ironic that you would spend so much time emphasizing that the only one who can help me is myself and yet now push the idea of asking god for help. How can that be any more practical than expecting help from those around me?


If you don't think religion is about power, just another way people try to define their group as better than another you should study the history of the middle east a little more. It's an excuse and a justification for doing and saying whatever you want as long as you say this is what god would want.


I think you are confusing prayer and meditation. If you think a belief in god is necessary, than you've just turned your back on whole lot of Buddists as well as a lot of Shintoists in Japan. The only distinction between prayer and meditation is the god aspect. I was only referring to prayer. Oh, and as for scientific aspects - they did a study to see if prayer impacted the success of surgical recovery of a large group of patients - sorry there was no difference between the control group who received no prayer and those who did. There is a psychological aspect to one's own use of prayer, a placebo effect, and this was all I was unable to reap the benefits of because I don't believe in it.

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I wish you could understand the overall message. Help yourself by taking such steps as seeking God, peace of mind, change of self or outer help. Most people are not attracted to religion for its obligatory factors or justification factors (which really only exist as a misguided interprentation of religion. Religion is not meant to obligate you or justify you. It is meant to lead you and tell you of higher truths) but for the spiritual wholeness that comes with it. I hardly know of anyone who seeks religion for selfish reasons- though underneath it is for themselves. People commit when they feel called. It's the strongest formation of consciousness of which we finally hear. That all things are conscious. That all things are strong. There is a God. Religion mainly attracts the lost who have matured not the analytical "how can I use this for corruption" type of people. People may grow to become this, but if one were to truly understand relgion, they would never think such ways. They would know as I know. There is a God. My prayers are answered. I'm always learning. It's always for growth.


I suffer from sever paranoia, making my mom come with me throughout the house sometimes. Someone I knew died and I feel haunted by it. Scary things happen. I live through mental torture and hell each day. I'm afraid of mirrors and shadows and darkness and openings of doorways or the turning of corners or of my mother's eyes become deadlike as they once did when she blacked out from my screaming. My dreams only worsen this. Yet, I've made my mind stronger. I haven't given in to it. I have, as you say I said, helped myself. It's possible wherever you are. I dread nighttime, am going through heartbreak, grief, scary imaginations that I've learned to really control my mind to let go of, school's workload- tons of projects... and now as summer is coming I'll be left in the house some days home alone where the monster resides in my heart as I pass through there. Too many secrets. Too much pain.


But to turn my back on life? Never.


I don't regret anything that's ever happened to me. And it's because I've come to experience the mentalistic aspect of our universe and such a God who works such miracles- always breaking through into our world, through our world to bring me back to oneness and wisdom and all the knowledge I've derived from my periods of pain.It's all worth it. All the trials. But if you never get a grip on your reality and instead let go, you will never feel that. And that you haven't is something you've made obvious, Mr.Roboto. Now, I have to go. I have had a little time frame now to write all this. Hopefully, you will get it.

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How can you only be 15? I know people twice your age who could not compose a coherent paragraph to save their lives. You articulate yourself so well and that is why it meant a lot to me when you complemented me on something I wrote once. If the physical pain and mental anguish cause me to look at the world in a pessimistic fashion sometimes, I apologize. When you reach out for help to your University and they throw you out of your home in the middle of the night because you are a legal liability, you lose faith, not in god or religion but in the basic good of humanity. They acted in their own best interests and at my detriment, knowing what they were doing would hurt me - someone they believed was highly suicidal. I always had faith in humanity and that belief has been shaken severely recently. I have had my latest appeal meeting today with the dean - a settlement was made saying I cannot live in University housing again but that it will not go on my record that I was disciplined or warned for simply expressing suicidal ideation. Don't get frustrated with me - there are plenty of women around here who have that job already. I am just a lonely guy who needs a girlfriend - the prescription medication simply magnified everything or perhaps hastened a process of hopelessness that would have taken years to develop. Without the drugs, I am still depressed and I am still alone but no longer have the courage to try to take my own life. The school has humiliated me because I asked for help - I was only looking for someone to convince me not to do it, to give me a reason not to, because even at my lowest all I wanted was to be saved by the girl I loved. If you think I am ignorant and hopelessly confused, you're right. I don't feel connected to anyone or anything. It doesn't feel like my world. When I talk about love, it's like a theoretical physicist describing something he will never see or touch. I have lived seven more years than you, almost eight, and they've all been just as lonely. You're younger than me and yet your heart and mind seem to be so much more experienced. Whatever struggles you face everyday, your life feels warmer and more meaningful than mine. I envy you, but I envy everyone else too for what they have, what they can do, and how they are so oblivious to how lucky they are. I wish you were here so you could look into my eyes and hear my voice tell you these things. Even my most passionate written words were never enough to earn someone's love, to earn her love. People tell me they like the way that I write, but if I can't write well enough to melt a heart than all the research memos and appellate briefs in the world will never bring me any happiness. I'll be alone with a stack a poems in an empty room with an empty soul.

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Reaching for help is so DIFFICULT, I know. I had to go through getting the attention of my parents, then the school until scary things began happening to me that seemed REAL, but no one could just sit down with me at the moment and talk about it with me all that I was going through. That act is an act of love and that which we all need but so hard to request. People may say, "You're just doing that for attention" in suicidal behavior and the fact is you are. You want their attention. But when you actually say and confirm that to them, they all run away- it's too deep for them to deal with. I have searched hotlines, friends, family, places for things like this all around here and therapy and pills- but nothing will give me what I want, what we have a duty to give each other: love. There is nothing pessismistic about this. You just have to realize you must love yourself before you can draw in your life loving things. Suicide, despite the intention, can actually SCARE love away more than it can bring it in.

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