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Untitled. sorry don't know what to call it

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I am 27 and single. I have had a dream of getting married and starting a family. As of the last 6 months my dream was shattered. Why does the feeling of i blew my shot not go away. Why do i feel like i blew lifes oppurtunity. What is going on ? I see a shrink and take meds now as the fallout and my job have tortured my poor soul. However, I do feel myself making progress, but the progress is torturous. The doc says I am a worry wort and i project too far into the future and i have an issue with being a perfectionist. (classic anxiety related issues).


Ugh. this post was completely random i know..



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(((dave))) Hang in there, buddy.

You can still have the marriage, the family, the life you dream of.

I'm not much help - me being anxious and all that myself.

Just sending you some support.

It will get better. You're sticking it out and doing what needs to be done.

Now is that hard part...time and patience.

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There is still time dave but I can totally relate to your feeling of hopelessness.


Nuthin' wrong with worrying either as long as you know when to stop.


Worrying about things outside of your control is more of an issue. Try not to do that.


Let yourself get confused, worried and even angry. Then put the intensity of those emotions into a course of action.

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