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what are your take on drunk texts? not just ones desirous of sex. drunk texts that proclaim love and things like that? what does this mean?!? i think the drunk just wants to love someone and they like the idea of you so they proclaim their love for you in a drunk test. the guy i'm seeing drunk texted me and called me the wrong name (he called me Lana, im Laura) to tell me he loved me. do drunk texts mean the person is thinking about you a lot? i never drunk text ppl so i don't know what the thought process is, there is always some truth in drunkinness (i think).

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Yeah i agree with what your saying. Depends on how people respond to being drunk.. i have friends who are unbelievable honest, others that cant resist lying, laughing, crying. I guess it depends. Whats he like? how much of the text did he mis spell? thats a good indicator... or whether he text differently..


Im not sure how much i believe in them... but then again its because my friends do wild and weird things anyway... a friend, skot, came round on thursday absolutelty drunk off his face to procraim his undying love like some romeo and juliet scene ... shouting to my window.. so...


to me.. skot would do that anyone, i know were close but it doesnt necessarily mean its true... hes quite wild, outgoing, spontaneous and a charachter really.


I guess its to what charachter.. you know?


maybe lana was a spelling mistake?

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what are your take on drunk texts? not just ones desirous of sex. drunk texts that proclaim love and things like that? what does this mean?!? i think the drunk just wants to love someone and they like the idea of you so they proclaim their love for you in a drunk test. the guy i'm seeing drunk texted me and called me the wrong name (he called me Lana, im Laura) to tell me he loved me. do drunk texts mean the person is thinking about you a lot? i never drunk text ppl so i don't know what the thought process is, there is always some truth in drunkinness (i think).


There is some truth, there is also a lot of libido and stupidity


If a guy says he loves you when he is sober, he will say it drunk. If he says it drunk and really means it he will say it sober too. If a guy does not mean it, he will totally deny or forget about it when sober.


I think if he does not show it when he is sober, and he drunk texts you, he is either extremely introverted when not drunk so feels a bit more expressive or free when drunk to express those emotions, or he has some problems with alchohol, or he just wants a booty call (even if he does not ask for sex, often the love-yous are a way to get there ).


Follow your gut and base it on his actions overall.


Calling you the wrong name though in a text? Now that is stupid! My phone automatically fills in words so it may be unintentional, but still stupid!

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Do you know if he knows someone named Lana? He could have accidentally sent it you, thinking he was sending it to someone else. Or he was just feeling good and said he loved you. Sometimes the truth comes out when people are drunk, and sometimes they exaggerate how they are feeling. I wouldn't take it as anything more than a drunk text, don't try to read into. If you feel the need, ask him about it. That way theres no confusion.

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I do think that when people are drunk, they have less control of their emotions and their actions, that is why they are more apt to speak what is TRULY on their minds, and not surgarcoat things. Sometimes, I think the best way to find out about how someone feels about something is to ask them when they are drunk, because they will be too wasted to be able to lie about it (since lying takes some brain activity).

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I personally think drinking brings out the worst in people. If they have hidden anger issues they will fight. If they have insecurity issues they will become needy. I am a chronic drunk text messager and I know it is only because I use the alcohol as a crutch and excuse to get the attention that I crave.


I have always said- they need to invent cell phones with breathalizers attached


I wouldn't too much into it to be honest. I have definitely said and done things while drunk that I would never have done sober. Doesn't mean I didn't want to, just common sense and restraint are lacking when you mix in alcohol.

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when he was drunk before i asked him why he didn't call me for a couple days and he said he didn't call me because he wasn't sure if he loved me yet. lol. when he was drunk before that he said he loved me and we were going to have two kids and a dog. he is extremely inhibited as far as his emotions are concerned. when he told me he loved me and we were going to have 2 kids it was in front of his friends and they all looked shock, so i dont think he does this with every girl he goes with. i just think its funny.


the first time he sent me a text like this the spelling was immaculate so i wasn't sure if he was even drunk or not.


this time the spelling was pretty dead on. aside from calling me Lana and referring to himself as "we"




maybe the thing is we all want to love someone but we don't show that so blatantly when we're sober due to inhibitions. so when youre drunk you freely tell the person your most romantically aquainted with that you love them. because you so badly wanna love someone when your inhibitions are reduced acting like you love someone becomes a good idea??? its not about the person your texting its about you. i think. he probably just likes me a lot. or whatever.

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I have to disagree. I've heard the theory that people don't do things drunk that they wouldn't do sober and I mostly disagree.


I use drunken-ness, or rather did, as an excuse to be stupid, honest or promiscuous because I had a really hard time doing those things sober. I WANTED to do them sober but lacked the courage that I later found in a bottle. A bottle of what has been nicknamed Liquid Courage.


Or Great Taste - Less Inhabitions. At least that's how it worked for me. Its pitiful I know, but I'm a coward, what can I say....


My POINT is, I think its entirely possible that he used his drunkness to launch his real feelings.


Then again he could have just been drunk and stupid. Prolly met a girl named Lana that he meant to text but dialed your number out of habit....


And that's my two cents.... opinions from a coward and a pessimist...

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ur crazy!!!


he wasnt trying to text someone called lana. that didnt even enter into my head. my number is saved under my name in his phone, he didnt have to dial, and he certainly doesnt dial me out of habit.


it is possible he could have been trying to send a text to someone named lana and went to laura instead but that is highly highly unlikely.


for one he talks to me everynight and texts me everynight so i dont know when he is gonna find time to meet someone called lana and decide that "we love you"


also he said "wake up, we never hang out in the day" (it was 6am when he sent this) and me and him talked about how we never hang out in the daytime (if he met some girl named Lana he wouldn't have said "we never hang out in the day"... because he just met her!!!


... also he said "i keep thinking about you" if he just met someone it would have had to have been that night (cause every other night this week he was w/ me or at home) and i dont think hes gonna meet Lana at a bar at 1 am and text her at 6 am. if he liked her so much at the bar at 1am he would have been callling her a cab at 6am. haha.


also its most likely he's using it to launch his semi-real feelings because he has said this type of thing half a dozen times.


god you are a pessimist!!!


i think you say your semi-real feelings when your drunk.

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walking - sorry. i was only teasing.


I totally agree and that's what I was trying to say. I think yes, he was saying how he feels.


If he says those things all the time why WOULDN'T he say them whilst he was drunk too?? I don't get the question anymore.


I thought you were asking could he have really meant it or was it drunk ramblings? Now you're saying you know exactly what it was cuz he says those things to you all the time??


Then again, yes, I think he meant what he said.

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Unless someone stays drunk most of the time, the temporary lack of inhibitions gives you a peek into their true feelings. I've conducted a series of demonstrations of my theory for various friends and colleagues.

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I use drunken-ness, or rather did, as an excuse to be stupid, honest or promiscuous because I had a really hard time doing those things sober. I WANTED to do them sober but lacked the courage that I later found in a bottle. A bottle of what has been nicknamed Liquid Courage.


God, thats so true for me its unbelievable.

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