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Do guys get put off when a girl is very attractive?

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I am going to answer the question with a different side and one that I tend to follow more than anything else.


I use to "run" away from girls that where attractive becuae of their looks, but now I don't do it that much anymore. When I see a very attractive girl I first study her and see what type of over all body langauge she is putting off. There are girls out there that display behvior that is a turn off so I pass up the girl even if she notices me and is trying to get my attetion. I have no problem rejecting very attractive girls as looks are not eveything. Looks for me gets me to look, but it does not mean that I will be attracted to the person.


The behvior that I find a turn off is when the girl knows that she is attractive and has a "look at me" type attuitdute about it. Or the girl shows off to much, is means in what she is wearing (but if it is appropraite for the environment then I have no problem.) and how much skin she is showing. Or the girl is snobish or has the view "I am rich and your not". Things like that turn me off and I look for another girl to study before I approach.

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i don't know, it sounds to me like some people are just judgemental and hold attractive women to almost unrealistic standards of how they should or should not be behaving. i'm sure no one likes to be singled out, scrutinized more than others.


for instance, if her less attractive friends had a "look" like they knew they were being watched (whatever?) would anyone really care?? or if they were dressed up more than everyone else would anyone really care?? no, they wouldn't. but the attractive girl seems to always be doing something wrong, or not quite good enough. just my observations from the statements made on this thread.

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Or they're single, have never had a boyfriend and are wondering what's wrong with them because every guy that's attracted to her thinks exactly what you've just typed and decides to leave her be.


I agree SO much with that statement. That would be the story of my life. Very, very true!

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pfffftt!! 'pretty girls' are no diff. from the rest of us (barring a few very unlucky people).


The problem usually lies in the woman thinking 'i am so pretty' or 'i am not pretty enough'.


or the guy thinking 'she's too hot for me' or 'she's not that hot, so i can get er'.


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Mine, too; that's why I posted it because I've always received compliments and noticed guys staring and have even made the first move on guys that seemed interested, but I still ended up being single for nearly 20 years. People don't believe me when I tell them that. here.
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Sheyda, I think you're my long lost twin,hehe Well, I'm 22 and I've never had a boyfriend. I consider myself an attractive girl and a nice person. I get attention but like you said, never any ask outs. So I started asking guys out that seemed interested and was rejected or went out and they stopped calling. I just don't get it.

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I think that there are some men who would be reluctant to approach and ask out an attractive female; sure, why not? Of course, it also needs to be said that some men avoid certain women not because they are attractive, but rather, because they are not. (This obviously applies to both sexes.)

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I have been asked out in secondary/high school (it seemed to stop entirely once I left at 16 but most of those guys were bullies to other kids or they were pretending to like me so that I would say "Yes" and they could humiliate me in front of everyone else for the rest of the year (yes, the guys I knew in secondary school really were that cruel). Even though I still looked pretty much the same, I was also one of the nerds and people hated me for that.


I'm really curious to see what you look like.


But yeah, the same thing happened to me. I was asked out as a "joke" which really hurt my self-esteem, (I was considered just the "quiet girl", I guess,) and now I NEVER get approached, while being told that I'm attractive. I have also only had 1 boyfriend, and it wasn't even a real relationship because it lasted about a month. It is frustrating. Maybe we don't look approachable or something.

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For some unattractive guys, it's a few assumption. We say:


"Aw, she probably has a boyfriend."




"Aw, she probably has better guys lined up."




"Aw, she probably won't find me attractive."


but we can't phathom


"Awwwwe, she looks past my Shrek face and likes my inner beauty, ignoring my outer ugly."


I can't see it as it's never happened.



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It's not ALL about looks. Why?


I knew a guy - a somewhat close friend of mine - whom I used to work with. This guy was almost the spitting image of me. Red hair, skinny, boyish face... he could've passed for my younger brother. The only real difference (aside from some slight facial differences) was that he was only about 5'9" or so. So, here we have a guy who is like 18 or 19 years old, 5'9", 145lbs. (or less, I'm assuming).


Bumped into him a little while back. Well, him AND his girlfriend. Not only did he have a girlfriend (and did for as long as I knew him), she was a drop-dead gorgeous knock-out blonde; a very sexy and curvaeous one, at that! Thinking back on this, I can't say that looks are everything... because they're not. This guy was funny, smart, cool and a very lively and exciting person to be with. Boy did he know how to have a good time!


So, in sum, if looks were all that women cared about, this guy would not have been able to get a girlfriend like her. Other factors, such as money, talent, abilities, personality, etc. all play factors too.

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once again, kevin is right, looks are great! but they are just one component of what anyone would be looking for in a partner.


and to be honest, anyone who assumes or labels good looking people as being shallow is actually the one being shallow.


i saw a pretty girl today arm in arm with a guy i didn't think was at all cute, but she's a different person, and maybe she saw something there. obviously she thinks he's cute. i doubt many people would date someone they find repulsive. everyone has different tastes.

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