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He wants to come over

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Met a guy on Friday night, swapped numbers, said we'd keep in touch. He called yesterday and we said we'd go out next week sometime. He wants to come over to mine for food - what does this mean? I'm not too keen, we don't know each other at all well, is him coming over to my place a booty call?


Thanks guys.

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Its not a booty call if you don't give him any booty! Seems strange that he wants to come over for food though. Wait till he takes you out and see what happens!


I agree. Be straight up with him and tell him that he isn't coming over to your place for a first date, and suggest going out somewhere instead.


That is pretty weird of him to suggest food over at your place. Maybe he's a cheapskate.

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I agree with all the advice above. The next time you talk to him, ask him if he would like to go out to eat or for coffee/drinks instead. If he hedges on that, then I would simply tell him, I prefer to have a few dates with someone outside my house first, if you don't mind. If he still hedges, I strongly advise you cut contact with this guy and move on to someone who would clearly understand a first date at home is inappropriate.


Please, always keep your wellbeing and safety at the top of your priorities.

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I agree with the other posters, I would not let him come over to my place for a first date. What if he turns out to be some axe wielding murderer. You can never be sure nowadays. I usually like to meet someone at a coffee shop or eating place for lunch on a first date. That way, we can see if we click or not and he doesnt know where I live. I live alone and I dont need a weirdo guy showing up on my doorstep.

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If u want to see him do it in public not at your place.

It can be a scary world out there take precausions to take care of yourself.Make sure you know someone for a little while,go on some dates alone & also with friends feel him out first (and no I am not being fresh)

haha but seriously you do need to be careful.

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I agree with everything that's said. You yourself wrote that you're not comfortable about the situation. If you're not comfortable, then that's reason enough not to do what he's suggesting.


But even if you weren't uncomfortable, I'd advise you against letting him come over when you barely know him.


Good luck!

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