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I'm an asian girl and who's completely smitten by this russian guy who I've been dating for just over a month now. But I fear its too big of a culture clash and fear he'll dump me soon. Do people think its too great a culture clash? Should I just end it now to prevent future heartache?


P/S: Thanks for everyone's PMs and msg when I was going through a horrible time and wanting to kill myself. I went and got some help and I'm still healing...

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I think you should let things be and see how they develop. Give it a chance. If things feel right between the two of you, the culture difference will mean little. I wouldn't be too quick to judge your relationship or him. If he dumps you, he dumps you. There's nothing stopping that.

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You'll need to overcome your fear of rejection if you ever want to have a healthy relationship. And, NEVER anticipate rejection. Yes, if things aren't working out right now then I can see how you might feel things are coming to an end. But you should not act out of fear and end a relationship that is otherwise fine.

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In answer to your question btbt - I'm Jap and my familiy is relatively traditional (we fly back to visit my grandparents almost every 2 years). I havent told them yet but I anticipate it will be a problem.


I dont fear rejection per se...I just dont want to fool myself into thinking something like this will work when my gut instinct tells me otherwise.

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I knew someone in a similar situation...


I don't know..... I don't think it should be an issue if you two care for eachother enough...at the end of it all, your parents are not the ones dating them, it's you, and if he makes you happy and he cares for you, you're parents have to be happy and respectful of that much...just make sure he shows the same respect for your parents...

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I agree with the previous poster -- it's ultimately between the two of you. But to be realistic and practical, if you anticipate that there are going to be problems with the families, you have to be ready and willing to handle all that. It depends how you feel -- some people think love conquers all and any potential problems will be worth it (relationships are going to have problems without culture clash anyway); and other people think that there are a lot of fish in the sea, so why take the hard road? It's up to you.

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