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Firstly, I'd like to thank this site and it's members who've helped me either directly or indirectly.


Little background... my ex-girlfriend broke up with me about 10 months ago (had to actually think back hard on that one). Got just about every reason in the book for the breakup. Never thought I'd get better. Hated myself, hated her. Then realised the only thing I could control was myself and decided to devote my time to getting better and improving who I am.


The voyage wasn't easy and often the end was never in sight. Since then, I've forgiven myself, forgiven her, learned the mistakes I made and commited myself to becoming a happier person. The biggest key to all this was me letting go and accepting that the journey would be rough but that in the end I would persevere.


I no longer hate my ex, nor myself. Nor do I question why the breakup happened. Time is no longer spent on analysing the past or trying to forcast the future. Life is now spent living in the present. My fears of never finding someone who would match up with me like my ex did have long been dispelled. And yet I'm not eager to jump into another relationship. I'm happy with life, happy with me.


For those of you out there who still cling to hope, I beg you to let go. Letting go is a scary thing but the rewards are almost worth the entire ordeal. I'm actually glad that things wound up the way they did. The man I was 10 months ago is no more. And that's far from a bad thing. Sacrifices must be made in order to learn some of lifes most precious lessons. I know pain will come to visit me again. Until then, I'm happy living life one day at a time.


Thank you all and happy healing

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Well said. The best time to invest in yourself is immediately following a breakup - there IS no better time. It sounds like you were able to build back up your self-esteem and now you're to the point where you're stronger than before and it just keeps getting better for you. If this is the case, this is FANTASTIC news. Good luck.

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good to hear form you my man....glad your doing great..hope is very hard to give up on, but we eventually have to let go..at least now i know the pain i have put my other two exes through...i was such a bastard and now its all coming to bite me in the * * * *!! good tohear you doing good md!!

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