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Hello to everyone, thanks for reading. Im really confused about what this girl is doing to me. This has been going on since last october. We are in the same program at school and started hanging out. It quickly evolved and feelings began surfacing between us. The problem of course is that she had a boyfriend. I came on asking for advice then and actually took that advice and told her that I hope she is happy, and that i wish them all the best. She didnt like this because she said it wasnt my decision to make. Anyways she went home for the holidays and came back and said, she wasnt leaving her boyfriend. I was fine with that, but she kept sending the mixed signals. Anyways she has since moved out of town to do her training. I went this weekend and stayed at a friends house. I saw her and she threw out really confusing signals, which included rubbing my leg, asking for hugs, saying she missed me. So before i left today i asked if we could talk cause this is driving me crazy, and she said ok, and then cancelled at last minute and said we would talk tonite. Anyways, sorry for dragging on, but I would appreciate some help on this. Like i realize its a bad situation, but for some reason I cant help feeling the way i do about her.

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Dude why are you going after this girl? She is the type of girl that can never be satisfied. She told you she has a bf and won't leave him for you and yet she is still flirting with you. Why is she sending you mixed signals? Its because she hopes you will hang around and wait for her. She wants you as a backup just in case things don't workout with her current bf.


Wake up

She is flirting with you and telling you she misses you while she has a boyfriend. Wow, what a great gf right? WRONG Even if she does breakup with her bf , what makes you think she won't do the same thing to you?

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bobo makes some good points.

It is possible she is genuinely confused. If that's the case, I would leave her alone to work it out. If she's the kind of person who gets confused easily, stay away. You'll only open a big- * * * can of heartache.

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