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how do you know if it was anonymous?


Well, that'd be my question, too.


Try not to give it too much thought, it's not worth it. If it is a neutral or postive comment, just leave it there and don't make a big deal over it. If it's negative, I be inclined to delete it and forget it. I assume there's an option for you to edit/delete comments? (I know I can do this on my Xanga blog)


Otherwise, I'd just chalk it up to "morbid curiosity" and not read anything more into it.


Even though I never want to speak to or see my last ex ever again, about once a year I'll see if I can find his profile on his favorite "trolling for women" website...just to see if he's still there and active and see what BS he's peddling these days. It's usually good for making very thankful for my life without him...and sometimes for a laugh. curiosity is what sparks me to do this...there's nothing more to it than that.

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what was the comment?


ok, IP address... makes sense. Unless he used a public computer.


I think it could be like S2S said.... morbid curiosity. if he were interested in talking to you, he would have called or sent an e-mail. something that wasn't anonymous.

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Don't put much though into it. The same thing happened to me when I was writing a blog about how I was cofused with what I want for my friends during a break becasue I knew they would check it but we we're all scattered an kinda on vacation. Sometimes people just like checking up on people from their past and seeing what they're up to now. Oh well, I just ignored it and nothign has ever been mentioned of it again.

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