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Should I ask her to marry me?

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As some of you know I have been with my soulmate for about a year until she broke it off 2 months ago. WE loved each other very much . Too much but I think we have both realized this & I think we could try again. I know that she is the "one" for me & have run out of options. I have another thread explaining my situation in further detail if you would like to read it first before you respond. It happened two months ago. I will be looking forward to hearing from you Thanks

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She said she only wants to be friends & that we could never be anything more


That is from your other thread. Based on that, my answer is no.


Remember what YOU think does not matter, she has to think the same. From your last post, it appears she is not in the same state of mind as you are. You have to be the "one" for her too, 'soulmates' are 'soulmates' by the fact they both feel the same and make the same commitment. She has been pretty clear she does not want anything romantic with you anymore.


There is no such thing as loving someone too much. Unless it means you forgot to love yourself.

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Getting married never fixes any problems that previously existed in the relationship. What do you think marrying her will solve?


I would only suggest it if she left you because she wanted to get married and you were reluctant to do so, and even then only if you have decided of your own accord that you want to marry her.

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Well friend, at this point i don't see any chance of her saying yes. If she doesn't even want a relationship with you anymore, why would she say yes to marrying you? The best thing you could do is to go No Contact so you could get your emotions under control and deal with the situation.


If you don't think you could stay out of touch with her, you need to be convinced that she doesn't want you anymore. She isn't with you right now which is proof, but if you need more then ask her to get back together. Pour out your heart and leave everything out on the table. It's a bottom you're gonna have to hit before you can start the climb back up.


Whatever you do, stop saying it's ok to being her friend. It's a lie and you don't wanna lie to someone you're suppose to care about.

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Agreed with the others. If she told you she doesn't want a relationship with you she isn't your "soulmate".


Marriage is not going to fix the fact that she is only interested in being friends with you.


Marriage is not something to be taken lightly, or used as a tool to get someone to come back.


And Dako is right, if you have to ask us if you should propose, you aren't ready.

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Your story is an example of when you should NOT propose.


You're in the "bargaining" stage of getting her back right now. I can understand how you feel, but marriage is the last thing that should be on your mind right now. I understand the emotional pain associated with rejection - especially by someone you love, but marriage is not the answer. Work on making things right with yourself and with her - and in that order.

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