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I have been dating my girlfriend for almost two years now. We moved in together about 9 months ago. Lately we have been getting into more fights than usual. She says I say bad things to her(Example) "she is two feet away from the trash bin and asks me to throw something away for her, and I say the trash is right there". This is a specefic incidence that happens a lot. But tasks that are so small where she can easily do it her self she asks me to do them for her. I don't mind doing it a few times but when I have to do it half a dozen times a night it gets a little stressing.


And then when we are fighting she says since I go to college full time(more down time during the day) and she works full time I should be doing more, and not saying these hurtfull things. Am I in the wrong? What should I do?

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Hi there from CT and welcome to Enotalone!


Well, I recommend that you and your GF communicate more about this and come up with a compromise. Sit down one night over some coffee and get to heart of the matter. Then try to divide the housework. Living together gets hard but it requires a partnership and a great deal of communication and compromise. Good luck with everything.

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Sounds like you two are going through the adjustments of living together.


My recommendation is you sit down together and plot out whom is responsible for what. Sure you have more downtime, but add in also studying. Her on the other hand, if she is contributing more financially, perhaps more work from you is fair. There is no "right way" - it is something you have to discuss and compromise on together, and both be happy with it.


As kellbell pointed out, living together really requires partnership/teamwork and compromise!

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