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Okay so I may be a little taller than him...

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Hey guys! Well I met someone new and we have been hanging out for the past two nights. He seems to ike me and I think he is cool too. BUT there are two problems. One, he is like my height. I usually date guys that are taller than me so I feel kind of weird. I can tell he has a little problem with it too because yesterday he says "are you taller than me?" so then I stopped, stood next to him and he was like an inch taller. He also mentioned that night "Gosh you look so tall from here." and I feel a little uncomfortable. I am 5'7, and 20 years old, so it's not like I'm a giant! Anyway we ended up kissing, nothing serious, but he didnt call me today. However he text me and left me a message on one of my webpages. I dont know if I should really continue this. I am starting to like him, but the height thing makes me feel weird, and I feel weird that he also didnt call me today. What to do???

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Darling, I've been there. I'm 5'11".


I don't GENERALLY have a problem with shorter guys if they're about my height or a touch shorter. But if they make an issue out of it, then yes, I feel self conscious.


If he's not comfortable with it, and he's making YOU uncomfortable, move right along.


But then again, a friend of mine gave me some great advice: "hunny, once you're in bed, height doesn't matter"

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He might be a little self conscious about it. He might feel that you are probably used to dating taller guys. Or maybe he's just bringing it up to joke about it, but not really letting it bother him.


Maybe you should talk to him. Tell him that you have noticed that he keeps bringing up your height, and that it doesn't bother you, but it seems to bother him. See what he says.

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hmm. I think being the same height is fine. Being a bit shorter might be a bit awkward, but being the same height shouldn't post too much of a problem. Also you're only 5'7" you shouldn't be self-conscious! That is only a bit above the avg. height for woman I think. And most movie stars seem to be around 5'6" or 5'7" so it's definitely not unattractive.


But my last boyfriend was around my height (5'9"), maybe a *little* bit taller, like 1/2 or 1/4 inch, and HE always felt really insecure, and was bothersome about it. I didn't mind that much... and for some women, it's a reality. My cousin who models, is 6'1". I saw her at Easter dinner yesterday & she's gorgeous, but I was surprised that she STILL wears heels! So when she goes out, she's around 6'2" or 6'3"! It just goes to show that if you're confident, height shouldn't be an issue... although I personally would tone down on the heels, lol. But her ex-husband was 6'1", the same height as her... I think most models are around 5'9"-6'0" as well. I don't think it's something to be insecure about... a lot of people find it hot! If your boyfriend teases you about your height, then just tease him back... it's not really something to dump someone over.

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orgasmistofu: height in women is great, never be self conscious about it


I'm 6'3 and if I spot a girl that is 5'9 or 5'10 or 5'11 I always take another look or two, really attractive.


Oops! I didn't mean to portray that I'm self conscious about my height. I LOVE being tall. Guess who won in high jump until the 10th grade when people with actual SKILL started beating me?


It's a pain to find clothes to fit, but in general, I LOVE my height. I even like random people asking me to grab things off the high shelves for them!


The ONLY time it bugs me is when a guy I'm interested in, who might be a touch shorter than me, makes a big deal out of it. Some have been used to petite girls, and although I am far from being heavy, I'm definitely not "petitie", they just can't get around that they don't have to lean down to kiss me, or stand behind me and see over my head. They are almost intimidated by my height. THAT sucks.

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I know...I love my height don't get me wrong. But even yesterday he goes "so what is your type? tall basketball players?" and it does get really annoying..I am having a party soon which he is invited to and I am busting out my high heels. So I know I will def. be taller than him. I just don't know how he will react..

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I went out on a date with this girl that was taller than me (I am 5'10", she was over 6 ft...).. I wasn't insecure about my height (I don't see why I would be insecure about that)... But, in general I am used to dating shorter girls.... For example, I liked how one of my ex-gfs used to get on her tippy-toes to kiss me... it was a really cute thing. I had fun with that taller girl but I wasn't sure if I could "date" her...


As for your situation, he might just be using it as an ongoing joke.....

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