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Heyz guyz,


Well my boyfriend (now ex) cheated on me. For the first few weeks I was furious!!! But then I thought about it and well I still really really like him. I sort of don't want to forgive him and stay mad at him but I can't help the way I feel. I might actually.... love him. Its kinda hard for me to say that because I never thought I would feel this way while I was still so young.. I'm only 14!!! But yeah anyways, I'm not sure what to do... forgive him and just forget it ever happened or just ignore him.... please help.

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You dont' want to live together with a LIAR in your life.


Even if your in love with him, he's not worth it. You want to have a guy who considers you as his Nr.1, and not as his Nr.2 like you seem to be now. You should forgive him, and you can always cherish your love for him but taking him back? A big NO NO.


If you take him back you'll only give him the green signal to cheat on you saying something like ' if you cheat on me , i'll take you back anyway.

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cheating at the age of 14.. you should be doing other things at this age not dating. when you say cheating... i really hope you mean hanging out with another girl, like going to movies. 14, you have no idea what love is. your still a child and it's a crush.

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You dont' want to live together with a LIAR in your life.


Even if your in love with him, he's not worth it.


If you take him back you'll only give him the green signal to cheat on you saying something like ' if you cheat on me , i'll take you back anyway.



she's 14 and shouldn't even know what a relationship is all about... never mind anything about living together with a liar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have cheated on my boyfriend and i feel terrible for it, i can't tell him because i know he'll hate me forever, i love him soooooo much and wouldn't even consider the thought of cheating again, his love is so much to me and even if you are 14 it still hurts, any kind of love should be cherished. don't forget that. Its up to you if you want to forgive him and carry on being with him, if you do forgive him then you know how you feel for him. I hope it work out for the best

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